Post Your Frequency Response Curve!

A few months ago and not fully dialed in. You can see the cyan (after) and yellow (before of just moving the speakers 1.4 of an inch.

No dsp and no subs


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Below you find my Frequency Response Curve and the RT60. The high and down 41 hz on the Frequency is room mood
I bought an Omni mic and downloaded REW….. After a few hours I realised that I lacked the skill. Couldn’t even calibrated the microphone.
My listening room is our living room, dining room and kitchen. A big room around 80 m2. 6 * 13 meter. Thé setup is on the left side. Firing across. I had problems with low frequencies and the balance of the sound. Whatever I do for acoustics must fit in as my wife says.
So looked for help. I found a company not too far from us. A German company HOFA specialised in acoustics. Thr came over twice. First to measure existing acoustics. Second time to measure the result. I bought the room treatments from them so got a discount on their visits. I am very pleased with the result.


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I agree, this is the first I’ve measured. Ears are the ultimate arbiter.

I was surprised by the measured response below 20hz in room.
Subs would really fill in that bottom octave nicely. I can see a pair of JLAs or Rels in your room. :)

Have tried a few and at some point I may add one permanently, but getting one that is fast enough to keep up with the basshorns and not color the midrange. I need more time in the selection process

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