Sorry for the delay in getting back on.
My experience with P10 vs mains vs balanced power vs Isotek Titan conditioners covers the last 10 years. Firstly, I do not like what conditioning does. Good eqipment with well designed power supply sections should do anything that conditioners are made to do. I sold Isotek for 2 industrial balanced transformers just for my powered speakers, the sonic uplift was obvious in terms of space and air, better depth etc. When the P10 was announced I was fortunate to be able to get one at trade cost, so went ahead after using the P5 for a couple of weeks which although I thought it helped the fans were a no no for me, hence the P10 (no fans) plus more outlets (9 uk). This seemed to do a good job for the electronics, bar power amps. However, about this time last year I was becoming a bit agitated by something not being right and tried the power amps into the P10 instead of the wall, definately not the best thing to do so back into the wall they went. More exprimentation took place until I felt that the P10 was holding something back in one sense, maybe dynamics, maybe depth/solidity etc. The next move was to run long power cords to the speakers and install the 2 industrial bal units in a pretty adhoc way with outlet strips to cover the whole system, and bang, better clarity, depth, air, space and detail, much more relaxed and sort of more 'natural'. It looked awful though, so I set about designing and building something better to include all relevant safety requirements which are neccessary with symetrical output's, and spent some time testing DC filter networks to build into the design. Later development evolved by using multiple transformers of appropriate size (va) to seperate the digital, phono source and amplification stages. This was another eureka moment
More specifically, P10 vs Balanced. You can get a P10 on demo I'd imagine, no problem. Balanced may be more difficult to demo at home but I (as do others here) strongly advise giving it serious consideration. You should hear improved 3d image density, better detail and note decay, wider soundstaging where the speakers should sonically disappear, which is where the P10 never quite managed to work anywhere near as well. Should you try a bal unit, I would say emphatically that you connect everything to it, with just the one single connection to the wall outlet, as the single point ground ref is a big part of why they work. Like Marc says, dynamics and 'kick' should put a smile on your face