Following up on this, I ran a simple test:The tracks would seem quieter, like the volume had been turned down.
I first took the after track and copied its Left track to right so now it is a mono 2-channel signal. Played it on my headphones. As I expected, I got a true mono image in the center of my head (confirming my PC is playing back back at equal levels).
I then took the same track and merged it with the before track creating a new mono 2-channel signal. This time, one channel is before and the identical channel after. I then manually sync'ed both tracks by cutting out extra leader. Playing it shows a clear shift to one side.
So there is a clear level shift. I did this blindly and just now looked up which one is louder and it is TrackX or before treatment.
Playing these tracks now one channel at a time shows much better dynamics and impact of course in favor of the before track due to change in level and maybe fidelity. Note that this was a sighted test so the above fact may have impacted my impression. Still, there is no denying that level dropped post treatment.
Next would be to try the same thing again on the previous tries without treatment.