A) What makes you think the higher powered Jadis amps have more resolution? You have more tubes and circuitry to contribute to noise and distortion. I think among Jadis lovers the JA30 is probably the best sounding of that amp line. I would expect that based on my experience with amps as well.
I don't think this. I was merely asking the question. I don't see how adding more tubes could possibly provide more resolution or more transparency. That would be counterintuitive to me.
However, the VTLs at 12 tubes, are extremely transparent and extremely resolving. They are more resolving and they are more transparent and the JA100 with four output tubes. So the circuit must play a very large role in resulting transparency and in resulting resolution, not just a number of tubes.
Subjectively for me, my system with the VTLs on those drivers is so incredibly transparent and resolving I can't believe it; I don't understand it (with all of the massed tubes in the VTLs and tubes almost everywhere else) and I like all of that resolution and transparency. The new Io is noticeably more transparent and noticeably more resolving than the old Io.
But keeping the circuit constant (Jadis) it's very hard to see how 10 tubes could be more resolving and more transparent than four tubes.
Again, you are falling for the fallacy of power being inherently better.
Nope! You're making an assumption to make your case. Less power is better than more power --
unless you need the higher power.
B) I will reiterate that I think the best sounding high powered SET I have heard (and this includes all your choices except the biggest MasterSound...I have heard smaller 845 ones thought) is the Aries Cerat Concero 65. Transparency, dynamics (the best I know of regardless of the amp tech), resolution, and tonal/timbral accuracy that promotes a sense of realism. I don't know who else you are getting advice from that is steering you away from them but they are wrong and the AC amps are simply incredibly good.
Why are you assuming anyone is steering me away from them? I answered this question previously that I simply have never heard them or any of their brethren, and I have never seen them come for sale used. No other reason at all.
How would you characterize their "weightiness" from the lower midrange to the upper bass compared to the NAT Magma or Wavac 833 or Absolare SET?
In an ideal world I would get each of these amplifiers and we would have a massive group comparison.
Thank you.