The differences are interesting, but we have no idea what could be causing what because of all the different variables. Ron may or may not have a preference between the two who knows? I’m sure he will figure it out and change things around if he’s not satisfied, but there’s no indication that he doesn’t really like both of these as they are. This is the dealer demo room now.
One interesting thing is that on such tracks, everything remaining the same, a "stereotypical" DD will have the leading edge over a belt. More attack. No opportunity to show flow and continuity, stop start of a DD will not be noticed. I did notice more leading edge in the Gryphon. DD is just one of the many different variables.
THe BG driver will have more leading edge as has to do with the cavity resonance inherent in the driver design.
I'm curious if what people say about the recordings are.what Ron hears in the room.
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On my headphones, I would say the Clarysis vid sounds better at higher volumes, the Pendragon vid at lower volumes. When you turn things up, the vocals on the Clarysis emerge. I am also a sucker for that Apogee like lower midrange and upper bass.
I still think they both sounded good, different flavors, but I would go for the Clarysis panels (trying to sort through the cacophony of the various phone microphone, compressions and You Tube etc.) on personal preference and taste.
The bass is more clear and articulate in #430. The timing is bad in both but #430 is better.
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The timing is good in that one
I dont know where it went but I was referring to the Elanor… video from Carlos.

The bass has a very steady beat while she is singing. For timing simply tap your finger or foot. To the beat of the bass. She should be singing in time with the beat. Carlos’s video it is pretty easy for my foot to stay on the beat while she sings. In the other two videos it is disassociated and hard to make musical sense of what is going on.
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How is the timing on this one lol.
timing being off is a nice way of saying the leading and trailing edge is blurred
a very good way to comment
now in the above video it’s not just extremely good but the vocals are there even while the sax and piano is playing
on vinyl when the stage don’t move it’s not just the LP but much more the entire setup
I happen to like the music on that album as well.

Is that Musica Nuda album a digital recording or an analog recording?
On my copy --2007 CD BMH1026-2 German stamping no liner notes nor any info relating to recording/etc --odd maybe?
Here is a set of apogees let me know how this sounds
I like it through my headphones. Sounds a little 'vintage' from the record.

Everybody is 'trained' by their own systems, thus, anything that is at variance will require some getting used to in terms of balance, projection etc.
This is the same track on Carlos’ system:

Yeah, Carlos' vid on You Tube is very clean and clear, albeit slightly lean (at least on my headphones). My problem is I don't especially like the cut, too flouncy and artificial.
How is the timing on this one lol.
timing being off is a nice way of saying the leading and trailing edge is blurred
a very good way to comment
now in the above video it’s not just extremely good but the vocals are there even while the sax and piano is playing
on vinyl when the stage don’t move it’s not just the LP but much more the entire setup
Not to be contentious or disrespectful but i consider some blur on the trailing or leading edge to be in the timing ballpark. Usually a couple taps on the speaker resolves the issue. The timing in the two original videos is so far off i wouldn’t even call it blur. Totally out of sync.
  • Haha
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