Onken Altecs are usually not good, and this one is with a CD. But with the 2a3 amp, sounds emotional
Its very clear but also quite thin...gives the voice a lot of presence...as this recording should but still balance is not right.
Its very clear but also quite thin...gives the voice a lot of presence...as this recording should but still balance is not right.

Yeah Onken boxes are crappy
1) If you hear any differences, how do you describe the differences you hear?

2) Which do you prefer?

3) Why do you prefer it?
All three sound thick and muffled. At least in 1 there is some presence to the voice. Guitar plucks are quite indistinct. In 2 it sounds like the voice is down a hallway. 3 is somewhere in between those two.

Why is there a lack of clarity? Even though I have found the Clarisys speakers that I have heard so far to sound somewhat lacking body, they haven't sounded thick and lacking clarity like I am hearing with your setup (or at least the videos of your setup). That is why I preferred the Gryphon on the previous Musica Nuda track...at least it was clear and present if not perfect and I found your Clarisys video having the same issues I hear in these three videos.
Yeah Onken boxes are crappy
What seems to work in theory doesn't really deliver much even though the box is huge. I heard a couple Altec/Onken systems in France that were balanced similarly...couldn't figure out why such a big box made so little bass.

Interestingly, the woofer in my Odeons (Focal 10 inch paper woofer from the 80s) was a darling of the French Onken crowd. However, it works much better in a back loaded horn and produces amazing upper/mid bass even if the lower end dies around 40Hz...you don't miss it with most music because of the punch it delivers...something totally missing in these Onken boxes.

I did hear some Onken subs once with 15 inch woofers that were paired with Fertin full-range drivers open baffle and using 4 x GakuOh (or was it old Kondo Kegons?...can't remember anymore as it was a long time ago now) monoblocks and an M1000 preamp that sounded pretty amazing but as you could dial in the woofers separately I guess you could compensate for the inherent leanness.
Concerning Ron's videos, I agree that the differences are subtle. I only listened to the very beginning of each track and it sounds like the same system...

To be perfectly honest, my overall impression is that the sound lacks the "airiness" of the original track (as heard on Qobuz).

It's at the opposite spectrum of that Onken Altec video.

I don't know how it sounds in your room, and often recordings capture the room differently than how we experience it live.

How does it sound to you?
I have not found the difference between in-room and recorded to be a completely different sound...usually it is at least similar and familiar.
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Beethoven Emperor LSC-2562

All three sound thick and muffled. At least in 1 there is some presence to the voice. Guitar plucks are quite indistinct. In 2 it sounds like the voice is down a hallway. 3 is somewhere in between those two.

Why is there a lack of clarity? Even though I have found the Clarisys speakers that I have heard so far to sound somewhat lacking body, they haven't sounded thick and lacking clarity like I am hearing with your setup (or at least the videos of your setup). That is why I preferred the Gryphon on the previous Musica Nuda track...at least it was clear and present if not perfect and I found your Clarisys video having the same issues I hear in these three videos.
Thank you for responding.
Tougher one. A was the 'richest' sounding at perhaps a bit of loss of absolute clarity. However, it might sound the nicest in life due to fullness and imaging. B was the clearest and had the best overall balance, but maybe not imaged as large. C maybe the most 'forward' sounding, not bad, good clarity, but within the limitations of the headphone experience I would prefer slightly the other two.
None of them sounded 'bad', they were all pretty good overall, so neither of the three was a clear dud.

That's my lead eared opinion and I'm not sticking with it.
Thank you for responding.
Different microphones?

Fields of Gold A
dual Sennheiser e865 microphones on microphone stand pointing at loudspeakers


Fields of Gold B
iPhone, internal mic

Fields of Gold C
iPhone, internal mic
Fields of Gold A
dual Sennheiser e865 microphones on microphone stand pointing at loudspeakers

Fields of Gold B
iPhone, internal mic

Fields of Gold C
iPhone, internal mic
So, I had replied this "Can hardly hear a difference except some weird resonance in 1. " - that is due to e865 then
Fields of Gold A
dual Sennheiser e865 microphones on microphone stand pointing at loudspeakers

View attachment 131928

Fields of Gold B
iPhone, internal mic

Fields of Gold C
iPhone, internal mic
Those woofer towers could really be affecting the sound, I think.
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So, I had replied this "Can hardly hear a difference except some weird resonance in 1. " - that is due to e865 then
I credit you for hearing a difference. But switching to a much better microphone set-up -- dual external microphones for real stereo recording -- doesn't manufacture a resonance. In other words "resonance" doesn't describe accurately whatever difference you think you are hearing. "Resonance" doesn't describe accurately an improvement in recording technique.
Fields of Gold A
dual Sennheiser e865 microphones on microphone stand pointing at loudspeakers

Fields of Gold B
iPhone, internal mic

Fields of Gold C
iPhone, internal mic

I am surprised that the external microphones don't sound so different than the iPhone. What are they plugged into ?
I credit you for hearing a difference. But switching to a much better microphone set-up -- dual external microphones for real stereo recording -- doesn't manufacture a resonance. In other words "resonance" doesn't describe accurately whatever difference you think you are hearing. "Resonance" doesn't describe accurately an improvement in recording technique.
Sorry, that is your interpretation it gives a better recording

it is also interesting that no one's impression of the system changes because of the difference in mics.
Those woofer towers could really be affecting the sound, I think.
I was thinking the exact same thing. The non functioning speaker has to be absorbing so much energy as well as singing along. That would account for all the blur.
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