The Taiko Extreme thread lists more than WBF 100 users. I think - just my feeling following it - that the large consensus there is not that "cd is so much better" .
Just order an Amber 4 right now. Or even a used Amber 3. You will not regret it!
Right now I am waiting to learn when in February Rune Skov will be coming to Los Angeles.
I am also figuring out the step-by-step logistics of moving 630 pound crates down two narrow sets of staircases without shattering stand-off mounted glass handrails and destroying my house.
The Taiko Extreme thread lists more than WBF 100 users. I think - just my feeling following it - that the large consensus there is not that "cd is so much better" .
Yeah, my wife has the same mantra, and not just for the digital side.
The trick is how to keep banging your head on that brick wall as your head bleeds but your hearing remains intact.
Yeah, my wife has the same mantra, and not just for the digital side.
The trick is how to keep banging your head on that brick wall as your head bleeds but your hearing remains intact.
Just order an Amber 4 right now. Or even a used Amber 3. You will not regret it!
Right now I am waiting to learn when in February Rune Skov will be coming to Los Angeles.
I am also figuring out the step-by-step logistics of moving 630 pound crates down two narrow sets of staircases without shattering stand-off mounted glass handrails and destroying my house.
Ron, look into piano movers and or industrial moving companies, that will be nothing for them. Can your hand rails be unbolted from the ground to gain the needed room?
Ron, look into piano movers and or industrial moving companies, that will be nothing for them. Can your hand rails be unbolted from the ground to gain the needed room?
I have the moving team nailed down, thank you. This is the team that hand-carried a 360 pound fully-assembled Jacobs Ladder exercise machine (only a few inches narrower than the staircase itself) down the same staircase.
I already have plywood on the treads and risers of the staircases. The plan is to place a long plywood board over the staircase and slide the crates down the ramp and control the descent with ropes. Then the crates will be placed on dollies in the living room. That is the moving team objective.
Later, the installation team and I will roll the crates on the dollies, one by one, straight into the listening room and disassemble the crates around the speakers.
No, there is no easy way to unbolt the glass railings. Their supports are baked into the drywall.
I'm not sure I see the logic in the above statement.
But it would follow that you have not paid attention to the Taiko thread, and so would have no idea what the participants there have to say about streaming. In fact, many there do report sq equalling cd or surpassing cd. And, most importantly, it's only getting better.
So, just as Don Saltzman has advised, and just as the VTL manual suggests, in tetrode mode Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and Berlioz’ Symphonie Fantastique do, indeed, sound clearly bigger and snappier than they do in triode mode.
I moved my 4’ x 8’ x 2” sound absorbing panels forward along the side walls, towards the Magnepans, to absorb the first reflections. Center vocalist images got a little bit more defined, which is good, because I mentioned to a few people that center images were sounding a little bit diffuse and oversized. Overall, the whole presentation became slightly calmer.
Another material improvement for a few minutes of experimentation, which I anticipate will apply to the Pendragons.
Magnepans, at least when driven with 750 tube watts and $100,000 of VTL electronics, sound amazingly good. The Magnepans are ridiculously convincing in this company.
The magnetic planar panels in the critical 200Hz to 600Hz or so region offer a convincing rendition of piano. I really wonder if the single, thin, two meter ribbon driver of the Pendragon will be able to match the body and texture of the Magnepans in this frequency range (before the woofer tower on the Pendragon kicks in at 200Hz crossover).
It will be interesting . . .
I could always try the self-powered Gryphon woofer towers alongside the midrange/tweeter panels of the Magnepan 30.7?
I'm not sure I see the logic in the above statement.
But it would follow that you have not paid attention to the Taiko thread, and so would have no idea what the participants there have to say about streaming. In fact, many there do report sq equalling cd or surpassing cd. And, most importantly, it's only getting better.
Since you‘re so well informed please enlighten me, what percentage of people actively participating on that thread do not like streaming and think that it can’t be considered high end?
So, just as Don Saltzman has advised, and just as the VTL manual suggests, in tetrode mode Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and Berlioz’ Symphonie Fantastique do, indeed, sound clearly bigger and snappier than they do in triode mode.
The same with the Soundlab A1's. Yesterday I was re-listening to Shostakovitch 5th - Decca redbook, Haitink and the VTLs sound impressive, with a magnificence and control at the end of the symphony, when the whole orchestra plays full range, that no other amplifier, irrespective of power, can achieve with the SoundLab's.
In fact, I never owned a speaker that I could prefer with the Siegfried II in triode mode.
Since you‘re so well informed please enlighten me, what percentage of people actively participating on that thread do not like streaming and think that it can’t be considered high end?
Nobody has taken a poll if that’s what you’re looking for. Read the thread for yourself if you’re looking to learn something about where streaming is these days.
Nobody has taken a poll if that’s what you’re looking for. Read the thread for yourself if you’re looking to learn something about where streaming is these days.
The problem of course is the term "consensus" has a meaning. A meaning that extends beyond what anyone individual or loosely defined group feels. That does not in and of itself invalidate your impression.
The problem of course is the term "consensus" has a meaning. A meaning that extends beyond what anyone individual or loosely defined group feels. That does not in and of itself invalidate your impression.
Jim Yager (JimFord) visited this afternoon, and we played, among other things, Reference Recordings’ Symphonie Fantastique. It sounded very good!
Don Saltzman visited tonight, and, after Don’s adjustments, Symphonie Fantastique sounds about 30% better than it did this afternoon.
After about 15 minutes of listening Don
— Set the phase back to zero (instead of inverted), and
— Pulled the port blocks out of the Hsu subwoofers.
The system now sounds materially better!
Of course Don has been playing Magnepans longer than some of us have been alive! (Oh, also he did not like the Magnepans on top of the subwoofers. He felt this made the sound-stage too high.)
I can’t wait to see what Don does with the Pendragons after I set them up initially!
Two friend visits in one day! This is the wonderful thing about the concentration of audiophiles we have in Southern California!