A lot depends on use. A tube will degrade slowly over time since the filament circuit uses the same tech as a light bulb and is subject to the same issues; quite independently of how the other elements in the tube age- which they do! IME, power triodes hold up much better than power tetrodes or pentodes on this latter account.Forget measurements for now , have you tried new tubes same tubes and let burn in for min 50 hours.
Then with your ears tell us how much better the new tubes sound hahahah. reg reliable I can’t see how a tube is more reliable then a SS device
what parameters did you use to make your claim
However, corrosion is a problem for semiconductors in a way that I've not seen in tubes. Older semiconductors in anything made in the 1960s to the 1980s should be regarded with some suspicion- noisier than they should be, less gain and far more likely to fail if pressed into service. Certain transistors, if you see them in older gear, should be replaced on sight (2SC458 is a good example) on this account. By contrast, a tube stored over that same time will not see any significant performance degradation.