Siltech Cables

You may not believe this but give them another 200 hours and will improve even more. It makes me sad to read people jumping to conclusions after 100 hours or so. Especially when using thick cables: take your time! I really believe the Masters need about 300 hours minimal WITHOUT touching or moving the cables. Good luck and ENJOY :)

Well then - bring it on. It will be extra icing on the cake as I am already sold on Siltech. As stated above - 40th anniversary Ruby XLR on order and my Classic 680 speaker cables should already be here this week. If I did not need 4.5m for speaker cables I may have considered 40th anniversary - unfortunately I have not desire for $22k speaker cables so I will slum it with the 680’s.

Being a 25 year Naim/Linn man (now with DarTZeel) I subscribe to the source first philosophy. That is why I bumped up from 680 XLR to 40th anniversary - it will go between my Rossini APEX and DarTZeel preamplifier.
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