Yes, SME's manual is very clear and comprehensive and the tonearm very straight forward to setup, can be done in a matter of minutes, I have tools that simplify the process. Next is the VTA (or call it SRA if you want they're the same thing in practice) which like any other tonearm requires some experience and key on getting the most out of your front end, its something that can be taught. The rest is the playback chain from the cartridge to the speakers, you need resolution to hear the changes in VTA for finding the right position. The reason i continue pounding the setup drum is because it's essential otherwise it doesn't matter what you use. To give an example the first thing I did in Tang's room was turning off the subs they were muddying up everything, the difference in resolution was huge. Every room and system is different you need someone with experience to show what needs to be done, if it's done right and taught effectively the person can carry on their own but ultimately it comes down to individual's intellect, trust between the parties and willingness to give it a shot. Of course not all is divulged on line and there are things that are kept between me and the concerned party. As an educator you know the value of an experienced person who can condense and convey the essentials of their knowledge as condensed and as direct as possible, literally spoon feed it

, teaspoon sizes. I can do that.