We are all entitled to our opinions. An opinion has no need for proof. It needs however some resemblance of communal experience IMO

... If someone were to tell me that Alaska is warm most of the year in his/her opinion, I would find the opinion difficult to accept and contrary to most people experiences. Same when you post that horns lack slam as compared to Apogee (Perhaps I read you wrong in which case I apologize). I am a Planar fan, have owned planar for the most part (Quad, ML, Magnepan, Apogee) and was the owner on Apogee Diva. I have heard the Grand but unfortunately not the FR.
As moricab pointed to you the Grand slam is good ol' cones punch .. Panel in my experience rarely provide that "punch". Cones do, Very big horns do, panels are simply not good at these things in my experience. When it comes to having grand scale panels can do it but I have come to see that horns do it better... I know it is a matter of semantics but for what I understand when using the terms "punch" and "slam"... Panels do not seem to be the best at those , any of the panels, I have experienced. Horns OTOH do these well, day in and day out. I do find that many horn speaker systems need serious real estate, read large rooms for their drivers to integrate. Some horns cannot integrate well in any room thus a fuzzy sound with no precise imaging. Some particular version of the Avant Guarde Trio for example . In one of the the drivers are in a large circle , I do find those drivers placement not conclusive to good integration however large the room might have been. It seems to have been a nod to aesthetics rather than to Sound reproduction.
As for the matter of bass integration , horns can work with cones with no problem... You need to the subs to keep up with the horn system in term of power compression and of course of sheer output but it is doable.