I believe Roy was trying to point out that there is no barrier to entry like most Industries. You don't need a degree or a license, don't have to pass a test etc. All that is required is a checkbook and not necessarily a large one.
What are the qualifications? IMO this is what he was pointing out.
Sorry for the late reply... been super busy, fighting multiple fires .... we can discuss barriers to entry later (but many over come them by getting the "audio journalists" help out ....
But what makes an expert in high end audio? Its a subjective, experiential hobby. I’d argue an expert is some one who shares our preference, someone people want to emulate , and potentially has more experience exploring that preference, going deeper than the average schlub …:
Additionally, coming across as an expert is a big challenge for anyone - he has to rise up above the typical audiophile garbage and show that the high end world is a hospitable place for other tastes and preferences beyond the Wilson - Magico- dcs - solid state amp of the month oligarchy (while not pissing those traditional hifi guys off - as they bring eye balls), and be authentic and trusted by all parties…
If the guy is not honest about weaknesses and trade-offs - which are easy to verify, their reputation is shot . in most cases, forever, as no one trust them ever again....... (audio research weak dynamics with Wilson... "Greatest speaker in history of reviewing" Magico Q series highlighting upper midrange - lower treble, etc.)
As to having an “audio certification”, “Great” Peter Breuninger was frequently talking about it when he was a member here. But Because of the nature of subjectivity , as we see with the breadth of responses in this thread, and makes it very difficult to navigate…
Taking a step back, I think Roy's comments on the structure of the industry - and the resulting perverse incentives are spot on . (Which in turn creates this lovely audiophile culture that results in “authorities” telling others what’s best for them, while not being honest about all the trade offs of the gear they are pushing. )
A bunch of Girls have decided Taylor Swift is great, among thousands other girl musicians playing in bands and strumming guitars at Starbucks , and Taylor became a big star. (She is talented and a smart business woman - impacted policies on streaming revenues, but there are thousands like her.) In our hobby, a bunch of old, impotent men have decided that Wilson and dcs sounds like real music / makes “accurate” sound to them , damn everyone else.
Sorry.. have to leave it here... as I am being pulled into something... To be continued