Well, I think TAS has brought in someone with a lot of experience, reputation...and no new ideas.
One must remember that when J Gordon Holt and Harry Pearson started their respective magazines they were relatively young men with bold, arguably revolutionary, ideas around what is high fidelity and what listening really means AND what are the goals of being in this hobby.
Fremer, although arguably a good reviewer (I too don't agree with all his approaches and conclusions) has not contributed significantly, IMO, to the larger discussion about what the hobby is about and how to achieve the goals in the hobby.
Maybe that sounds harsh but being a good reviewer doesn't mean you have a vision for the hobby...if such a vision is even wanted.
For all his flaws (and there are many) for a while JV was looking closer to the "anointed one" to replace HP as an audio thought leader. However, he retreated from this and switched "absolute sound", which meant by HP as live, unamplified music as the reference to base all playback upon, with "closest to the recording". That might be technically more approachable but doesn't have that gestalt that HP was seeking.
In the pursuit of rich clients with spiraling prices with dubious sonic benefit, perhaps this is a dead question and so it is fine to have a pure subjective concept of "If it sounds good to me it's right" and be done with it.
After hearing a live string quartet concert in Zurich Tonhalle yesterday, I am still committed to try to get that sound in my house and it is still my "absolute sound".