System for $5000 that will slaughter $15000 systems all day long

I agree with so much of what you said.
I have no doubt you could do wonders with $5k. Give me $15 k and I'll beat you every time. I just require you select first.

There is a point of diminishing return in High End Audio ( High End in general). However much we may want to argue it is a fact. Comes a point where there is not much that can be added to a system. Some here are at that level .. And they go on adding little do-dadds and tweaks that they would swear make a huge difference... but $5k is not that point... nor is IMHO $15K. What level in U$? I have my thoughts but would prefer to open a thread on this.

There is a point of diminishing return in High End Audio ( High End in general). However much we may want to argue it is a fact. Comes a point where there is not much that can be added to a system. Some here are at that level .. And they go on adding little do-dadds and tweaks that they would swear make a huge difference... but $5k is not that point... nor is IMHO $15K. What level in U$? I have my thoughts but would prefer to open a thread on this.

while I agree, and am living the reality you really think that a 'civil' thread on that topic can exist on this forum right now? where members with systems where there is not much to be added (a controversial topic to begin with here) would want to get into it.

sounds like a formula for pain......
while I agree, and am living the reality you really think that a 'civil' thread on that topic can exist on this forum right now? where members with systems where there is not much to be added (a controversial topic to begin with here) would want to get into it.

sounds like a formula for pain......

Currently, any thread that is more than a bunch of heads nodding in a niche subform is a formula for controversy here. So anything interesting will be contentious. And I'm not sure it has ever been any different, here or anywhere else.

preconfigured with Jriver media centre,

preinstalled Jriver:

Jriver Linux licence:

Just no on that one.

HQ Player any day.
I need to say this: Mike is no audio dealer, he's a true genuine passionate audio explorer and highly knowledgeable in his passion.
He never insulted anyone; not everyone can accept a style that they aren't used to.

That's all.
I need to say this: Mike is no audio dealer, he's a true genuine passionate audio explorer and highly knowledgeable in his passion.
He never insulted anyone; not everyone can accept a style that they aren't used to.

That's all.

Mike has an acerbic sense of humor. Many audiophiles with many thousands of dollars invested have no sense of humor about it at all.

Mike has an acerbic sense of humor. Many audiophiles with many thousands of dollars invested have no sense of humor about it at all.

Many don't have a sense of humour PERIOD!
Many don't have a sense of humour PERIOD!
Yep, they should upgrade that instead of worrying about the latest tweek or most expensive interconnect..

I like mikes 5k system, may well set that up for my girlfriend this year.

Oh well.

If you look through this sub forum, it's hard to find any member that's left such a useful resorce for others. It's a massive contribution! Unlikely to be matched.

Thanks Mike, I will be using it in the future as will many many others.
Currently, any thread that is more than a bunch of heads nodding in a niche subform is a formula for controversy here. So anything interesting will be contentious. And I'm not sure it has ever been any different, here or anywhere else.


you are right Tim. wherever you go.....there you are.
While I doubt that I have ever been of the opinion that more money spent on an audio system would definitely result in higher sound quality, I may have thought that there was some positive correlation between the two.
At some point I realized and held the belief that there was NO correlation between dollars and SQ.
Now, as at least one other has expressed here, I understand that there may very well be a NEGATIVE correlation in effect. That certainly has been borne out by my experience. As in nearly all things, there will be exceptions though I feel safe in saying it will hold in most instances.
At a recent audio club meeting someone made the distinction between "high-end audio" and "perfectionist audio" - their terms. The difference has something to do with "throwing money at a system" vs. "working diligently to craft one that is significantly better than just the sum of its parts." (or something like that) ;)
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No turntable mentioned at all. can't be the ultimate. :)
No turntable mentioned at all. can't be the ultimate. :)

I think the price may be too much of a limiting factor for competitive analog sources.

I think the price may be too much of a limiting factor for competitive analog sources.


This system is going to beat any 15k system that included a turntable right?
Why can't you guys skip the ego crap and just discuss $5000 systems?

Rather than compiling a collection of analog and digital sources, for $5000, assuming
only quality digital is a good idea.

Adding analog to this system will only spread yourself thin on source quality.
Why can't you guys skip the ego crap and just discuss $5000 systems?


I am trying to setup Audiolinux with JRiver on this recommended NUC computer. Once it is working well I will introduce it to my friends that want to dabble with computer audio and achieve decent sound but don't know where to start. I will use good LPS couple with the computer to max its performance.

The Taylor monitor speakers are very attractive and spec wise looks very good. I hope to own it one day to try out. I am waiting someone giving this $5k system a go and share his impression here. This will do justice to this thread. My 2 cents.
The 2904-7000 has better specs than the 3004. It extends farther, is more efficient and has better power handling. Being air cooled, you'd think these differences would be even more important considering the difference in price isn't all that much. Did the higher model number make you assume it was the new flagship?

Both are excellent tweeters, but the 2904-7000 is an older tweeter that came out about 14 years ago. It's the flagship ring radiator in the revelator series. The Illuminator series, is their latest and greatest line of products. The tweeter used in this monitor uses the successor to the 2904-7000. Cost wise the revelator version is still more expensive. But this is simply because the manufacturing cost is higher due to them not having discovered more efficient ways to build tweeters yet at the time of the 2904-7000's release back in 2002. Well that is what I was told by the Scan-Speak engineers anyways.

As you can clearly see when comparing specs, most of the nasty spike the 2904-7000 has at the end of it's range was eliminated by using the superior air circ motor system.

No turntable mentioned at all. can't be the ultimate. :)

I see you are digitizing your vinyl. I also plan on doing the same. Only I will get Bruce B to do it for me with his uber high end rig in quad DSD. If the owner of this system did that, he would be able to enjoy the finest vinyl has to offer with this system, without adding any cost to the system. This is what the next generation of forward thinking vinyl lovers are all going to be doing.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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