Taiko Audio Daiza platforms.

Maybe that dratted impossible to detect Dark Matter might finally be found at Mike's.
Imagine that being his X factor, not present in 99.9999999999% of the observable universe, and 100% of other so-called high end systems, all in a barn out of Seattle.
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Actually the footers are dufferent thicknesses Mike :p

I‘ll bet money Mike that if Emile ever makes the Daiza in 3 versions with a stand designed specifically for them you’d be the first in line to buy one

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well

:) sure Steve, i had been under a rock this last year or two and missed all that about different thicknesses of the Center Stage footers.

i can't predict what Emile might come up with, but if was predicting it would be something similar to what i'm doing now anyway, maybe more simple and elegant and eliminating the Granite/cherry Adona shelves and only needing the Panzerholtz. i don't have many dollars invested in racks (less than $10k all in), so if it was a performance step up who knows.

but i'm pretty happy with my racks. they are doing exactly what i wanted them to do.
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received more Daiza's, and now have double Daiza's under my Extreme server, and my 3 MSB Select II dac boxes; the 2 powerbases, and the dac itself. previously there was a Tana TS-150 active platform under my dac box, and single Daiza's under the power bases and Extreme.

i am 60-90 minutes into this new thing and it's only good news so far. more textural, more delicate, more detail. more involving and flows better. bass is bigger and digs deeper. quite noticeable steps up......not slight, not huge, but very obvious. and very analog sounding in a good involving way. more organic and full bodied but more dynamic and life like too. the energy projects with a vivid force.

this is removing the active device so it's a very cost effective approach based on the performance i am hearing. Emile told me the synergy of having the whole digital chain sitting on double Daiza's would be quite special and i'm a believer for sure, just waiting to see how far this goes.:):):)

i know it takes a day or three for the settling to mostly take hold, and longer than that for the foam in all the footers to settle in. but pretty awesome already.

this brings me to 22 Daiza's in my system so far.

you will also notice i moved the Tana TS-150 to under the CS Port phono pre. i did not have enough height to keep it's Daiza on top, so it just has the 10mm top layer. i was able to use the foam filled small daiza footers instead. i have not yet listened to that....it's next.

View attachment 59390View attachment 59391

Mike, is the one on the right slightly ahead of the others and lower than the others? Don't expect this in your room
Mike, is the one on the right slightly ahead of the others and lower than the others? Don't expect this in your room

appreciate the high expectations. i do try to hold myself accountable.;)

optical illusion somewhat due to the wide lens setting, but more that the rack top is lower so the top plate of the rack appears to stick out farther as your eye angle sees more of that top plate. it somewhat reaches out a bit optically.

here is another vantage point showing the alignment of the legs on the floor. it is difficult to exactly locate a big heavy pointed rack leg into a shag carpeted floor. i worked at it to begin with with the addition of the Saskia a few months back, then with the CS Port.

of course; like anything built not inside an engine, not everything is perfectly square and plumb. you are getting things as close as you can.

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i don't have many dollars invested in racks (less than $10k all in), so if it was a performance step up who knows.

but i'm pretty happy with my racks. they are doing exactly what i wanted them to do.

I feel just the opposite and I understand where you are coming from. It's just different ways to achieve a similar effect
appreciate the high expectations. i do try to hold myself accountable.;)

optical illusion somewhat due to the wide lens setting, but more that the rack top is lower so the top plate of the rack appears to stick out farther as your eye angle sees more of that top plate. it somewhat reaches out a bit optically.

here is another vantage point showing the alignment of the legs on the floor. it is difficult to exactly locate a big heavy pointed rack leg into a shag carpeted floor. i worked at it to begin with with the addition of the Saskia a few months back, then with the CS Port.

of course; like anything built not inside an engine, not everything is perfectly square and plumb. you are getting things as close as you can.

View attachment 59414
View attachment 59415
Happy Thanksgiving plywood brother...looking very good and, as usual, well organized :)!

Emile tells me that my Extreme is ready to ship and I am following your’s and Rhapsody’s thoughts with the positive effects of the platforms with the Extreme. As someone else has stated, it is definitely worth a try...even stacked. To save on shipping, I ordered an extra one :).

Best of luck with the unpacking tomorrow!

Kind Regards,
Mike, is that your Saskia speed controller and CS Port pump that are without Daizas? C'mon now!...
Hi guys,

I am new to this thread, but I now have four of the Daizas in my system and expect to have more soon. A big thank you to Mike Lavigne and others at WBF who continue to inspire me and improve my musical enjoyment. Emile has been big help in all of this as well.

So far, I have only experimented with my CD player because my Aesthetix phono amp has been back at the factory for updating to Io Eclipse. That will be back soon.

I have never cared much for CDs until the Daizas came into my house. I love the new sound I now have: it is much more involving and three dimensional than ever. The potential for my vinyl to greatly exceed this is very exciting.

I have a question today for Mike and/or anyone else using the Panzerholz footers between their equipment and the top of the Daiza: Mike said: “every piece of gear in my signal path uses the footers shown below (with the copper plate removed) between the gear chassis and the Daiza with the open end with the foam insert facing down. it does take a couple of days for the foam to adjust and be optimal. Emile can explain the process more.”

I am assuming that you have removed the OEM equipment feet; have you also screwed/bolted the Daizas to the chassis or are you listening with the Daiza feet loose under the equipment?

Perhaps you have done both(?) If so, what changes have you noticed?

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Hi guys,

I am new to this thread, but I now have four of the Daizas in my system and expect to have more soon. A big thank you to Mike Lavigne and others at WBF who continue to inspire me and improve my musical enjoyment. Emile has been big help in all of this as well.

So far, I have only experimented with my CD player because my Aesthetix phono amp has been back at the factory for updating to Io Eclipse. That will be back soon.

I have never cared much for CDs until the Daizas came into my house. I love the new sound I now have: it is much more involving and three dimensional than ever. The potential for my vinyl to greatly exceed this is very exciting.

I have a question today for Mike and/or anyone else using the Panzerholz footers between their equipment and the top of the Daiza: Mike said: “every piece of gear in my signal path uses the footers shown below (with the copper plate removed) between the gear chassis and the Daiza with the open end with the foam insert facing down. it does take a couple of days for the foam to adjust and be optimal. Emile can explain the process more.”

I am assuming that you have removed the OEM equipment feet; have you also screwed/bolted the Daizas to the chassis or are you listening with the Daiza feet loose under the equipment?

Perhaps you have done both(?) If so, what changes have you noticed?


hi Don,

you are most welcome. i do enjoy the Daiza contribution to my system performance.

regarding those footers above the Daiza which the gear is set upon; they are loose. i use three, orient the open-foam filled end down, and spread them according to the open gear bottom space as best i can. i've not done any experimentation as to where they go; with the settling time it's hard to try things in short quick durations.

i'd be reluctant to attach them to gear bottoms as the odds of finding the screw holes compatible is not good. personally trying to remove stock footers is fraught with risk, so not worth trying to me. i suppose we need to ask Emile about his views.

i hope that helps,


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I now see why we must wait for our Daiza orders to be fulfilled ...

BTW, you should remember that PanzerHoltz is used for neutron shielding, if you get more Daiza's you risk getting a visit of the AEC and they will probably seize your NHB468! ;)

Can I ask where do you get the info on panzerholz for neutron shielding? I can’t find from the net.
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hi Don,

you are most welcome. i do enjoy the Daiza contribution to my system performance.

regarding those footers above the Daiza which the gear is set upon; they are loose. i use three, orient the open-foam filled end down, and spread them according to the open gear bottom space as best i can. i've not done any experimentation as to where they go; with the settling time it's hard to try things in short quick durations.

i'd be reluctant to attach them to gear bottoms as the odds of finding the screw holes compatible is not good. personally trying to remove stock footers is fraught with risk, so not worth trying to me. i suppose we need to ask Emile about his views.

i hope that helps,


Mike, did you buy those Footers then separately ? I’m assuming they are the Footers that come with the Daiza or are they another brand.
First, a belated thanks to Mike Lavigne for your reply to my first message to this thread.

This message is about my experience so far with Daizas. It has only been with my BAT CD player, but I should have some feedback on vinyl in a few weeks when my Aesthetix Io Eclipse is broken in.

A bit of background would likely be helpful:

My listening room is on a second story, and while it was built for this purpose, it is still a (reinforced) wood floor.

I have a couple of 20 year old PolyCrystal racks. These have composite shelves made with a mixture of some kind of ground-up rock or minerals and a resin base. The shelves are heavy. I have BDR cones and pucks under the wooden rack legs on the wood floor.

I previously had replaced the two top shelves with Symposium Ultra shelves for the CD player and Io control unit. These chassis were sitting on Symposium RollerBlocks. The two CJ ART chassis and the two Io Signature power supplies were on the lower shelves on BDR cones and pucks.

I have Herbie’s tube dampers and love what they do for my ART and Io. I’m certain that they have an effect on all this.

My vinyl sound has been wonderful from the beginning. The CD sound was ok, but two-dimensional.

I have four Daizas now and am planning for two more. Three of these are under the BAT and the ART. All of the rack shelves are now PolyCrystal (The BAT was overdamped with the Daiza on top of the Symposium shelf). The BAT is on RollerBlocks and the ART is on BDR cones fastened to the chassis. BDR pucks or pits do not work for me on top of Daizas. The ART with BDR cones was slightly on the bright side on the Daiza; I tried several options and ended up with a hard rubber faucet washer, modified by countersinking the center hole, under the tip of one of the three cones on each ART chassis.


My CD sound is now terrific! On good discs it is involving, detailed, three-dimensional, and well balanced. I love it.

I tried stacking two Daizas under the BAT. I read that it might take three weeks to break-in. Both of the Daizas I used had been playing separately in my system. The stacked sound was thin. I tried BDR cones instead of RollerBlocks. Ditto. I removed the stock feet (which were not being used) and tried the Daiza Panzerholz footers that Mike Lavigne is now using. The results were promising. Night two, the sound was worse. It lost everything.

I am not a patient person; I accept break-in if there is continuous improvement or if I don’t have a fall-back option. I could not get the stacked Daizas or the Panzerholz footers to work for me.

I’m back to single Daizas and RollerBlocks and am happy as a clam!

I want to mention my amplifiers. They are Wavelength Mercury SET amps with silver wire transformers. The OEM feet are acetal (I think) with a sharp, shallow angle, cone tip. I use them with the thicker BDR pits (now NLA). The pits sit directly on a granite slab that weighs about 300 pounds, and which is supported above the floor by BDR cones and pucks. At 4 watts, they sound wonderful with my Trios. I tried one large Daiza on top of the granite, two separate Daizas, different cones, etc. Nothing worked as well as my original setup.


My experience so far: For me, Daizas are terrific, but not on everything. Perhaps I’ll try again when the dust settles.

Hopefully I will have similar results with my phono amp, since I have probably 20 times more vinyl than CDs, and my system priority is analogue!

I hope that this story is helpful to some who may be considering Daizas. I highly recommend them. Some of the options that have not worked for me seem to have worked well for others, including Mike, and I cannot challenge that!

For those who have feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate.

And yes, Emile is a great guy to work with.


Thank you for the feedback Don. Can you share the thickness of the “hard rubber faucet washer” you mentioned?

Hi Emile,
This one is 0.165 inches thick. I had several that were ten or twenty thousands thinner, and chose this one. The washers vary in thickness, because it doesn't affect their intended function.
I'll likely revise it again for analogue. :)

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DAIZA makes all devices increase sound quality.

But DAIZA helps the most improvement to Power Conditioners.

I have two Entreq Atlanis Powerus sets.

This power conditioners didn't improve sound quality with almost footers and platforms.

DAIZA is only one product that makes power conditioners quality up.

In Korea, the almost audiophiles think DAIZA is just wooden penal.

But when my customers use DAIZA under their multitab, they are surprised with DAIZA.

Emile is making Multitab DAIZA for my customers.

Very awesome.P1000734.JPG

DAIZA makes all devices increase sound quality.

But DAIZA helps the most improvement to Power Conditioners.

I have two Entreq Atlanis Powerus sets.

This power conditioners didn't improve sound quality with almost footers and platforms.

DAIZA is only one product that makes power conditioners quality up.

In Korea, the almost audiophiles think DAIZA is just wooden penal.

But when my customers use DAIZA under their multitab, they are surprised with DAIZA.

Emile is making Multitab DAIZA for my customers.

Very awesome.View attachment 60266

View attachment 60267
I wonder if Daiza can similarly improve conditioners and groundboxes such as PS Audio P20/15/12, Shunyata, Troy, CAD ...etc?

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