Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

It’s important, isn’t it, to distinguish between turning the Extreme off for an extended period of time and then starting cold — and a quick reboot?
Definitely! A warm boot is not a big deal. A cold boot takes a lot longer to recover from. The power supply is not shut off with a warm boot.
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Definitely! A warm boot is not a big deal. A cold boot takes a lot longer to recover from. The power supply is not shut off with a warm boot.
It’s all about recharging the capacitors when it is cold It takes manydays to do that IMO
I think Marty's issue was the Taiko router dropping taikoaudio network and David's was a power issue using port forwarding and his home network
I think that is correct (for my issue). The question is why? It is true the inciting incident seems to have been loading I think there may have been 2 issues. First, I don't think I was using 1.19 Beta which I understand was necessary for to work well. However, after Ed loaded that, things still did not work and the TaikoAudio network (TAN) kept crashing. That part remains a mystery but it might be that last Feb, Ed sort of tweaked my version of XDMS that may have been somewhat customized with regard to playing files off Qobuz. We're still not sure if that was it. However I'm now running Roon only and happy that TAN has been running very smoothly for several days. I'm having a conversation with Ed presently about going back to XDMS again to see if the TAN is still working as expected. If it is problematic, I would be perfectly content with Roon. SInce the Olympus will be Roon only for now, we're all going cold turkey shortly with XDMS anyway so it doesn't matter. I do hope that Ed is given the resources he needs to fully develop XDMS for the Olympus since, at least on the Extreme, it is a somewhat superior player (at least in SQ if not functionality). But my hope is that we really don't see XDMS for the Olympus until it's a finished product. I will look forward to that for sure.
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you should be able to access XDMS via the control app if you go into its settings and push server/player settings and click the button to the XDMS side. From what I thought Emile said, XDMS wont be available for the Olympus until it is in Beta

I had similar issues with dropping Taikoaudio wifi (if this is what you mean by it crashes). It seems I have way too many access points throughout my house which was causing this issue and also I would drop the signal during busy times of the day when likely my neighbors were accessing their network. The channel was changed and it has been fine. Emile also recently posted that you could change from 2.4 Ghz to 5Ghz or to use both and that would also ameliorate the problem . If you know your Taiko router password you can log into the router with and use admin as the username with your password . Finally IIRC there was some thought that the Orbi system also was a factor in the frequent drop of signal although Taiko has not investigated that. Suffice to say I have not dropped signal since this was done. Ed reached out to me today and asked if I was dropping signal and I reaassured him that using XDMS was rock solid. David stated that the recent Roon update and the use of Port forwarding was a factor in his issue, which I gather is now resolved. I have been on Roon exclusively for the past week as Ed and Todd have ben using my internal library with the new scanner that is under development using a totally new coding language which he said has resulted in scans that are 5X quicker than what we are experiencing now with even the existing latest scanner . He has been using my library due to its size. In the interim should I want to go back to XDMS I merely hit the toggle button I mentioned above so you should be able to access XDMS that way yourself unless he has removed XDMS from your system
Marty, not to be anal (but I am) I don’t think your Taiko Audio network is the issue. I think it is the taiko WiFi. If you connected a Mac to the router via hardwire it may work even if you can’t access it via WiFi.

Correct me if I am wrong.

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