Although I maintain and groom basic ID3 metadata for everything in my own collection before importing into Roon, I'm not keen about having ONLY that metadata available to me for browsing (nor the prospect of having to go back to the folder level to add a lot of new metadata for my own collection). Not sure if this is what is meant by being "in charge" of my own metadata for my own files, with the external database only being used for streaming purposes. I find that I often use genre categories, radio play based on artist/composer/album/track/etc, and all of the other connective tissue that Roon provides to lead me to and intermix my own collection with streaming music selections. So I'd favor being able to access the streaming sources as well as my own collection (with basic ID3 metadata, but not comprehensive data necessarily) in a seamless manner, perhaps coordinated through the external music database(s) metadata.Dear WBF community,
We are open to suggestions on how you would like your music browsing and discovery service experience implemented.
Let's start with some general background information. To be able to provide any browsing or discovery service beyond folder based browsing we need metadata. Metadata can be stored with files in something called a ID3 container. This includes information like artist, genre, label, song titles, album name and track numbers. For classical music this can become more expansive as there are can be a desire for additional information like the name of the piece(s) of music, the composer(s), the album it's from, the performers, the recording venue, the label that released the recording and the year it was recorded.
There are cloud based metadata providers who have build and maintain a database where they collect and provide all kinds of information on your files. As you can imagine this is a considerable task. Roon provides this service, you need a Roon subscription to access this and it's likely the biggest part of what they base their purchase price on. Data has become a valuable commodity. Music streaming services like Qobuz, Tidal, Spotify, Apple, Deezer, Amazon, Last.FM, etc provide this service as well. It's good to note that you are generally paying to access the metadata they have collected and organised for you. You are also "at their mercy" on what data they provide on a query to their databases (search). Most, if not all, of these also provide music discovery services extending beyond for example showing all albums released by a specific artist. This used to be based on generating recommendations based on music in the same genre and/or release period with similar popularity. Nowadays most music service providers have moved on to a tracking model where they base recommendations on the listening behaviour of others similar to your own behaviour (the questionable privacy invasion thing).
To sum up:
For music browsing we have the following options:
1) Folder based browsing, where you organise your music collection by maintaining a folder structure on your physical drive like \artist\album\track.
2) Database browsing where the database information is provided on ID3 (file based) information where you can be in control of your metadata if so desired, metadata is usually already included in your files by cd ripper software or by the online store where you purchased and downloaded your albums from.
3) Using a 3rd party tool which can replace the metadata of your files with metadata provided by their online database, works otherwise the same as 2)
4) Database browsing where metadata is fetched from an online metadata provider system, this is basically what you are doing when you are using online streaming services, though not when using Roon as they provide their own metadata even when using services like Qobuz and Tidal. This is probably why you sometimes can't find albums on Qobuz/Tidal when searching for them in Roon.
My own personal preference is for a hybrid system. I'd like to be "in charge" of the metadata of my own files. I'd like to use the metadata provided by online streaming services like Qobuz and Tidal for when I'm streaming files and I'd like to search directly in their own database. I would also like to be able to get additional information on the music I'm playing on demand, like reviews, background information, maybe on occasion even the songtext, for both my own library as for the streaming services I'm using. For music discovery I do not have very large issues with my privacy using a tracking based service, the best service for this seems to be Spotify btw, unfortunately they don't provide lossless music.
Feel free to share your own preferences, desires and/or wishes and we will take those into account.
Hi Emile,
as I use Qobuz only without stored music files 4) would be perfect for me.
Please use Qobus API if possible. Roon did not use Qobuz API and so you got new music much later than via Qobuz API.
If your own personal preference can be implemented without sacrificing SQ that would be fine as well.
Thank you
Hi Emile.
You can also consider Gracenote.
Isn't metadata subject to copyright and its use conditioned to a fee?
Emile, Ed...will Extreme Mini also run TAS alongside Roon?
Although I maintain and groom basic ID3 metadata for everything in my own collection before importing into Roon, I'm not keen about having ONLY that metadata available to me for browsing (nor the prospect of having to go back to the folder level to add a lot of new metadata for my own collection). Not sure if this is what is meant by being "in charge" of my own metadata for my own files, with the external database only being used for streaming purposes. I find that I often use genre categories, radio play based on artist/composer/album/track/etc, and all of the other connective tissue that Roon provides to lead me to and intermix my own collection with streaming music selections. So I'd favor being able to access the streaming sources as well as my own collection (with basic ID3 metadata, but not comprehensive data necessarily) in a seamless manner, perhaps coordinated through the external music database(s) metadata.
I also find that I frequently read over the album and artist reviews and lyrics, which again I'd prefer to be accessible both for my own collection as well as the streaming music. Again, this would seem to require that our own collections somehow be 'processed' or matched against this external metadata database.
Many other thoughts, but this is enough for starters. Kudos to Emile for even considering opening this, uh, Pandora's box.
Dear WBF community,
We are open to suggestions on how you would like your music browsing and discovery service experience implemented.
I think part of the problem for classical is what the software developers are given to work with -- the standardized fields provided for metadata tagging lend themselves much more to conventional "artist" "group" naming and not so much to multi-work, multi-composer classical recordings. Certainly, the implementation of search and sort functions by software developers varies in effectiveness, but the tagging system the search and sort have to work on are pretty basic.
That said, there is still room for criticism of how Roon searches and displays results.
Going to the trouble of curating all the appropriate metadata fields, track by track can help, but I am aware that even folks who have painstakingly done that still find a lot to be desired with Roon searches. I know I do. It can be very frustrating to try to find a specific performance of a classical piece in Roon, and even easier jazz/pop/rock searches in Roon can end up not turning up all available works on the first attempt. Even simple attempts to get Roon to consistently display all the albums of an artist or group that I've ripped and stored and imported into Roon's library can be variable.
I realize I'm piling on the "wish-list items" for Emile and team, but I second the requests for better search and display functions and especially preserving playlists.
Steve Z
Thanks for the additional detail, Emile. A few completely personal additional thoughts, based on your comments above. Part of me would find it ideal to just be able to switch over 100% to the SQ-first software and dump Roon (which I have used since early-pre-Meridian Sooloos days and applaud for moving the music server software game forward a long way). But I definitely feel the bloat--their priority seemingly 'to be all things to all people/preferences/hardware/etc.' So I could give up many of its embellishments in exchange for a SQ prioritized program that met most--or at least the most critical--of my personal needs. That may or may not happen, understandably.What we already have in the beta version is:
-Folder based browsing.
-Database based browsing using the ID3 tags of locally stored files.
-Customizable views, which can be useful for classical music, for example browsing composers.
- Qobuz/Tidal favourites, which can be integrated into your main library if so desired (the "add to library" function in Roon adds an album to your Qobuz/Tidal favourites which subsequently get added to your main library). These favourites are therefor also available in TAS. You can also browse just your Qobuz or Tidal favourites.
-A search on Qobuz/Tidal function, for example if you play an album you can search for that album on Qobuz/Tidal, search for all albums by the artist, etc.
-A configurable library rescan, automatic when albums are added, scheduled at a specific time, or manual (this can prevent automated background scanning activity while playing music).
None of this has a negative effect on sound quality.
Audible while actively used, though VERY minimal:
-A more information feature which we can link to an external metadata provider.
-A jukebox function like Roon Radio, this can be tied to an external music suggestion provider.
To explore:
-External metadata providers.
-External music exploration services (suggestions).
Hello All,
First time posting here after years of lurking.
I'd like to start with a big shout of thanks to @CKKeung and the community here for some of the great work and many items of inspiration. Kudos. Keep it up please.
Reason for posting is that I find the whole Roon SQ discussion disturbing. As @Steve Williams pointed out so eloquently - us audiophiles aren't really Roon's main demographic. Worse still the culture over on Roon forums is so bad that if you even suggest that Roon Labs should spend more of the money we are paying them on improving SQ then you get routinely attacked by flat-earthers who refuse to countenance that RAAT may not be divine perfection. Funnily enough the same usual suspects who so enthusiastically 'educate' us that cables can NOT influence the sound quality in any ways whatsoever.
Speaking of which, big thanks to Mark for the awesome 2020 USB. Thanks @Sablon Audio
I'd an exchange with Danny, the Roon CEO, a few years ago where he completely brushed off my suggestion that they spend more time and effort on sound quality with a fairly dismissive, "Roon is heavy, Squeezebox is light" and that was the end of the convo. With Danny anyway, several of his acolytes added helpful comments about my imagination, sanity and confirmation bias
Anyway, it's worth repeating what others commented, that Innuos made great progress with their 'experimental mode' which sort of manages a best of both worlds approach by using Roon as the Server/Core but then playing to a Squeezebox player within the Zenith that sounded better to start with but is also configured to playback from RAM and thus doubly improves the SQ. Sounds WAY better than just Roon. Allows you to keep the Roon UI/UX that you paid for. But is unfortunately a bit flakey. In my case it plays flawlessly until you skip a track or pause and then it can skip/stutter and struggle to regain it's momentum. However it sounds great - so totally worth it!
I'll get to the point.
@Taiko Audio the Extreme sounds (from reading about it I mean, not had the pleasure of hearing one) like an awesome server and an amazing result after what was obviously loads and loads of work. I read @ray-dude brilliant reviews over at Audiophile Style (still hate that new name!) and salivated. That said there is no way I can or would spend £26k on any HiFi item. And I say that as someone who felt I was batsh*t crazy when I spent £7k on my Zenith SE a couple years ago. (and I just spent another £2k on the Phoenix to improve it).
The reality is that I don't see myself being able to even stretch to the Extreme Mini when it comes out. But I'm sure that like many others I'm intrigued by the TAS software. I'm also thinking that there is probably a far bigger market for the software than the Extreme. I'd very respectfully suggest that perhaps 0.01% of audiophile server buyers can/would fork out the sort of money the Extreme costs. But I'd imagine that a far higher percentage would consider the TAS software.
Do you mind if I ask if TAS is being built in such a way that it is specific to the Extreme and wouldn't work on say an NUC?
I know that selling software is a very different business model. Far more support intensive than hardware for example. But perhaps further down the road there is an opportunity to partner with someone to license the software.
As a side note PS Audio have been working on server software to replace Roon for the last couple years. I love PS Audio but have my doubts as they are a hardware company and not a software one. They also have no experience with building servers.
Like many others here I've paid a lifetime subscription at Roon but would still drop it like a stone if someone else (PS Audio, yourself, anyone really) comes up with a comparable user experience that also sounds much better.
Anyway, just a thought.
I'll let you guys get back on topic
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