Just a little update on my thoughts on the Extreme. I visited Blue58 and few weeks back to audition it for the first time, and returned to hear it today.
Was amazed to hear a very different presentation, based around a core impression set at the first visit.
So, what I heard then, and today...a genuine high resolution sound, detail to rival some of the best analog I've heard, with unlimited dynamics seemingly on tap. Stellar staging and imaging, depth back to front huge on material where it's appropriate, and the side walls of the studio in evidence.
What was notably missing today was what jarred me on the first visit...notably that hot sound, decidedly metallic in places. It helped that we didn't play poor Qobuz remasters, but it was not perceptible on any material, where it was certainly first time around. This removes my major caveat in positive impression I was left with before.
What was especially welcome today was a much greater sense of rhythmic freedom, a kind of elasticity that I feel is rarely evident in digital playback. A huge plus point for a component I'm fast concluding is the premier source component in digital, and one of the best full stop.
The difference today? Barry has replaced his FMCs with a different brand and moved the LPSs to these and his router off the grid that supplies his other audio gear.