I’m a non-Extreme user, but love to follow this thread with all the wonderful developments and discoveries. I’m a major Taiko fan…just that I’m travelling an alternate road that Im not yet entirely ready to abandon.
For the past 3.5 years I have been developing a digitally-based system for local and remote streaming.
I discovered fairly early on that reducing RFI and EMI, jitter and phase noise, internal and external vibration that excites resonances and power supply noise and impedance along the entire network really has a major impact on sound quality. I also discovered that to gain maximum SQ benefits, the network components need to have the correct specs based on their position within the chain. The specs should always go from good to better as you progress down the chain. I also learned that components meant to enhance the stream, don’t always work as intended, depending on the environment they‘re in and the quality of the stream they’re treating. I have had several instances where extremely well reviewed components haven’t improved but rather downgraded sound quality. This was true in my case when treating the USB output of my server and with certain modules like ‘switches’ and cables on the input. In my system, I am aiming to deliver the very cleanest and most precise data stream to the server. In my experience, the more you reduce the above listed interferences, the better the stream and resulting SQ gets, but it’s important no to introduce anything that affects (as in reduces) transparency and neutrality. The other major element I have found to impact sound quality is network traffic. The greater the network activity and the busier the network is with superfluous activity (non-audio related), the worse the sound becomes. I have also found that a network requires a well thought through and designed screening strategy that excludes bi-directional radiation and provides zero continuity to carry pesky correlated and non-correlated currents. I use a common star arrangement to a low impedance ground for all cable screens including network.
Finally, the more I have optimized my system in terms of the above interference parameters, the better the sound quality has become, which implies that it produces cleaner, more precise sound waves to interact with my hearing and brain to produce a more precise, pure, dramatic, realistic, natural, emotional, message-laden conscious picture of music being performed by instruments and musicians in real spaces that sonically don‘t resemble my room. The better my system has become, the greater the impact of removing yet more of the interferences i.e the bigger and more impactful the improvements and the more profound disturbances like running-in or warming up after complete cool down have become.
One of my early discoveries was that power supplies used on the network are really responsible for a lot of the characteristics and presentation of the resulting music. Characteristics like purity, detail, pace, rhythm and timing, space, air, emotional involvement will all change for the better when power supplies are improved. My network uses some pretty cheap components….the modem, the router and the wi-fi-ethernet bridge are all consumer grade network products costing a couple of hundred pounds at most. The DC cables I use to deliver DC to these components sometimes cost 4-5x the price of the component itself and the power supply may be 20 times the price and in every case, I would rate the investment as being entirely worthwhile and perfectly in line with or even superior to the price/performance ratio of other hi-fi related upgrades. Running a $100 component with a $3000+ LPS seems to be entirely logical given the degree to which the LPS contributes to the final sound.
So in summary, as the Extreme gets better and better, as SW and interfaces improve, as noise floors are reduced, certain components in your network stream may very well begin to contribute or exert a negative influence. I would just say that such an experience is a result of the component itself or its power supply and should not be generalised into an engineering principal. I don‘t believe and find it counter-intuitive that delivering a cleaner, lower noise, more precise stream will ever sound inferior to a noisier, less precise version….however HOW you clean and resynthesize your stream becomes ever more important as the noise reaching the final detector (your ears) is reduced and your detectors are able to hear deeper into and resolve more of the character of the music. The message I believe is that you need to become more discerning in how your network is structured and the stream refined.