Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

On my system I like Roon better at this time
Since it was last night, give Roon a few days more and then, go back to TAS. Sometimes it´s just different, not necessarily better, IMHO.
Another happy Hurricane HC user here.

I did not compare to the other Audioquest model you mention, though.

I compared the Hurricane HC to the Hurricane Source, to a Shunyata Alpha HC and to Lavricables Grand 30, and the HC was the overall best in terms ot tonal density, weight, authoritativeness. Not the fastest / most detailed of the bunch, though.

Do you mean Roon improved with respect to what it was a few months ago, or Roon now sounds better than TAS?
I used a Shunyata sigma NR V2 with good results
The SQ uplift Milestones coming along the Taiko Extrme are
- Network Card and Switch
- A pipe line that streches way into the months and years

I had the chance to review the engineering of the card and switch last week.

It's Emile's relentless approach, out of the box thinking, state of the art componets, defense electonics quality of implementation and testing, testing, testing

It's a sure fire formula for lifting SQ out of a sinking noise floor
Wow! I can understand the effort that went into the Extreme beast. Starting from the day I got hold of this beast, there is an obvious SQ improvement every single day as it is in the process of settling down(Extreme is on and playing 24/7). Thanks again and looking forward to it Ed..
On my system I like Roon better at this time
Currently, same here, Rau. Before the latest OS "adjustment" I easily preferred TAS but since then ROON SQ is noticeably better. The realization that what the wizards at Taiko have in store for us will advance SQ much further makes for copious endorphin release!
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Simorag, May I ask what receptacle are you using with the Hurricane HC? John

I have one Hurricane HC onto a Furutech NCF wall plug (dedicated line) to the Niagara 5000 conditioner, and another HC from one high current outlet of the Niagara to the Extreme.

Hope this answers your question!
Thank You Simorag, my intention was to go with a Furutech NFC 55N with NFC connectors to a NFC Rhodium Outlet. Attempting to get somethings in place prior to the Taiko arriving. But Ed chimed in and suggested sometimes NFC is not always optimal? I may take a lamp cord tie it around my neck and dangle from my deck!! Only for a few minutes. Thanks again, I'll figure something out. I could install a dedicated copper outlet and try AudioQuest HC directly with the Extreme...
Thank You Simorag, my intention was to go with a Furutech NFC 55N with NFC connectors to a NFC Rhodium Outlet. Attempting to get somethings in place prior to the Taiko arriving. But Ed chimed in and suggested sometimes NFC is not always optimal? I may take a lamp cord tie it around my neck and dangle from my deck!! Only for a few minutes. Thanks again, I'll figure something out. I could install a dedicated copper outlet and try AudioQuest HC directly with the Extreme...
I use all NFC and I'm happy
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Rau, are your connectors NCF as well as your outlets? Ed could be implying that the NCF connectors along with the NCF outlets could be too much with Taiko? For lack of a better way of explaining...John
On my system I like Roon better at this time
Thanks for clarifying!

I just did another A/B series of tests (TAS vs Roon 1.8 build 932) and, as usual, I was dumbfounded about how a playback software can change a system's presentation. Just thinking how many people (especially on Roon or ASR forums or the likes) claim some more or less educated version of the old adage that digital should sound all equal makes me chuckle, but I digress...

Indeed Roon has a notably different take on music than TAS. For example, in my system Roon sounds smoother, more diffused, while TAS sounds more dynamic, articulated, sharper.

I happen to like TAS presentation more, but I can see people preferring Roon for subjective taste, or better overall system synergy/balance.

By the way, I am strongly biased towards Roon, as I deeply love the immersive user experience it provides, I would like to prefer it to TAS also for sound, but this is not just the case (for me, and for now :)).
Rau, are your connectors NCF as well as your outlets? Ed could be implying that the NCF connectors along with the NCF outlets could be too much with Taiko? For lack of a better way of explaining...John
They use to be but I changed power cables couple months ago . I never had a issue but everyone is diffrent no right or wrong it's about what you like
Thanks Rau, when you have played with this stuff long enough, no other way to ascertain other than listening, in your system. One can analyze and sift through the muck, until the cows come home.
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What USB driver ( from 1 to 4) was best for JL sounds usb ( Lampizator Horizon ) ?
What were recommended by Emile settings in Roon ?
Resync time 2000ms ?
24 or 32 bit ?
What max saple rate to be set ?
What USB driver ( from 1 to 4) was best for JL sounds usb ( Lampizator Horizon ) ?
What were recommended by Emile settings in Roon ?
Resync time 2000ms ?
24 or 32 bit ?
What max saple rate to be set ?
Lampizator is mentioned in the USB Profile document as: "Lampizator - USB4 - Roon 32-bit"
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Thank you.
Testing different options.
Every little hange in Roon makes difference.
I hope XDMS will bypass this multi stage infuence we have now on SQ.
Indeed, everything matters. Fortunately, XDMS will bypass all the Roon components and will sound significantly better, without the need for endless tweaking of settings.

16 th floor. There is a sign at the elevator.
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