While it is fair bit of work, I do have a tape deck and fancy measurement gear. I can measure what folks want. But I don't think it is necessary. On classic audio measurements, tape will lose to digital. I hope everyone agrees on this.
Subjectively, tape sounds wonderful despite its specs especially on classic recordings that used to be analog. Any capture of it on digital would be a second gen copy. It may sound identical or a bit different.
I pan to do an AB test of recording digital on tape one day and performing an AB test. Do folks think the tape will sound the same, worse or better?
You plan to record digital to tape and A/B it against the original digital? Blind? That should be interesting. You should do it the other way around, too. Record a tape to digital, then AB/X blind. Or not, and just let people enjoy what they enjoy.
And Mark, it should come as no surprise that I have answers to all the points in your post, particularly the one about the relevance of the Harman study. But I won't bore you with them. I'd really rather you put me on ignore as I have respectfully requested.