I think something here needs to be addressed.
Besides promising designs and performance that shatters all previous barriers, and claiming
some sort of questionable unique technology, virtually no cable companies making products at the shocking
price points offer any technical information beside marketing slush. They offer no measurements, no specifications,
and no certification.
I have a close friend who has been selling the highest of high end cables to the government, the military, and corporations
for life and death, mission critical applications of all kinds, digital, analog, etc. While they are much more expensive than
any data or analog cable you will be from an office supply store, they are highly engineered, by actual engineers. Lives
literally depend on these cables, and the pricing is downright thrift shop compared to the high flyers in the audio cable world.
My friend must supply pages of specifications, test results, and certifications.
See below for a just a sales spec sheet for industrial grade Cat7 Ethernet Cable:
A sales sheet for mil spec industrial hook up wire:
We now for sure, for example, that many of the "audiophile" grade USB cables that are so popular now do not
even meet basic USB specifications.
If the military were to spend on wires what we audiophiles do or even 1/100th of that, everyone would cry government waste. With audiophiles, things are different.