BTW, Tim, I can see that you're a big proponent of measurements. For various reasons I'm not and frankly I'm a bit leary of those who are as well as those who are committed to acoustic treatments. Come to think of it, most anything of significance in high-end audio that I subscribe to usually runs quite contrary to most others' line of thinking. But that's me and that's a whole nuther rabbit hole.
You mentioned earlier about providing a video of your own to demonstrate the sonic impacts of room treatments. Below is a an in-room recording of a 1980's artist where in-room db peaks were about 104db. It's not the best bass in the world but I think this helps substantiate my point a bit. Bear in mind that my iPhone is mounted to a 35 year old lightweight aluminum tripod that sits 3 feet in front of me and hopefully that helps explain the visual effects in the video. I've no idea what anybody listens with e.g. earbuds, headphones, etc when listening to these in-room recordings, but I think the visual effects induced at the lightweight tripod help illustrate the type of bass I'm trying to describe. For example. You might notice the quickness of the bass impacts (more a jolt than a shake unless multiple bass notes) at the iPhone. Full screen viewing will show impacts much better.
Where earbuds and headphones seem to be no match for the in-room bass experience, I think the visual impact helps compensate for the lack of sonic impact my recording may have. If the camera is the recipient of these impacts, you can bet the in-room listener is too. It's not just this piece. Any piece recorded with any type of pronounced bass will be much like this example. Implying there's really nothing special about this particular piece.
You mentioned earlier that maybe you could come up with a video to share about the effects of room treatments providing superior levels of musicality. How about instead providing an in-room video with some type of pronounced bass and room treatments after room analysis? Maybe we can try comparing them a bit and discuss potential bass differences / similarities? At least for my edification.
BTW, I forgot to mention. In my 3rd room and current room where I gave up on locating a superior speaker placement, a while back I purchased a 15-inch rhythmik subwoofer with plenty of toggle switches / knobs to try to dial-in the bass. I kinda' gave up on that too but every so often I'd try reading between the lines just one more time and one day, poof!!! the subwoofer - rather the bass - was now in the zone without moving it a single millimeter since the day I purchased it some years earlier. I had initially installed the sub in what I thought was the best reasonable location and I was committed not to move it. Anyway, since that day, I'd been fine tuning the subwoofer even further every so often as well as lining up the speakers with the subwoofer which also made significant improvements. IOW, I crossed over to the other side of the bass fence only by tuning/dialing-in the subwoofer. Not the speakers nor subwoofer placement, much, to my surprise. Which I suppose goes to show I really don't know what I'm doing or at least don't quite understand how to get there. Which itself may be of benefit because then I try things I otherwise might not.