Thanks Steve for sharing. An interesting data point, that speaker manufacture's owners don't employ subs, even though their models don't have recognizably large woofers' surface area (reference has 3: 9" drivers in a 3 - way design) compared to, say the Magico M6 with 3: 10.5" woofers (at ~$90K less) and with 2x the woofer driver surface area.I appreciate your feedback but even Emile this morning said he doesn’t need them and not necessary. If Zellaton felt they were necessary I bet they would be making them.
of course everyone should do as they choose but I’ve discovered that MOST ZELLATON owners are purists for that coherent ZELLATON quality with no additions.
Also, specific to Zellaton and their logic whereby subs being required would be a product if they felt necessary, I'm not sure I agree as many high - end speaker companies don't make subs, yet I don't recall them outright not recommending them. Or conversely, most do make subs, recognizing room mode challenges and the overall benefits of subs like Wilson, Magico, Stenheim, Karma, Goebel Divin, Sonus faber, Paradigm, Kef, Wilson Benesch, etc. It would be interesting to hear the Zellaton designers' recommendations and not just from owners.
In any case, I hope you enjoy your new speakers!