User211, your insinuations are sadly smeared with malice and poison. You are becoming paranoid and obsessive. Firstly, you doubted, almost denigrated the ability of the CLXs in relation to their quality of bass reproduction and now you have turned on PASS LABS! Whilst it is your prerogative to be dismissive of my direct responses to your spurious comments ( see posts #63, #73 and #87 ), why not put an end to your innuendo by LISTENING to the CLX \ XA 30.8 combination. Six distributors who have brought gear for auditioning ( amongst others ) all concur about the quality of the CLX's bass with the XA 30.8. Your comments offend their collective judgement as well. Acquire some further indirect knowledge through reviews perhaps, but ultimately, DIRECT KNOWLEDGE through your own audition.
Let us all here read your findings. Test all your prejudgements and preconceptions hands-on and....please list all ancillary equipment. And by the way, take some of the discs that I recommended, since you so much doubt their ability to produce the double bass. You may also like to re-read my posts as a check list.
Thank you and all in good faith for the love of music. Cheers, Kostas Papazoglou.