You kind of sidestepped my criticism of your comments around no better tech existing when Forsell designed his TTs. My point of my Yamaha was to merely point out that suoerior tech did exist prior to Forsell’s design.3 phase controllers with capabilities and features unheard of in 1982 have come along, computing has come a long way since too. When you combine that with older well manufactured motors you can potentially make the old girls sing again. The Forsell controller/ motor combo with its notorious instability was what i was addressing, not your Yamaha turntable, i am sure it is excellent,regretfully not many TT producers have seen it feasible to improve on that DD technology. Forsell liked belt drive air-bearing TT's for their excellent sound, a 4 phase coreless DD motor with bi-directional servo was never inside his design parameters.He was a dentist or surgeon originally, not a engineer, it is amazing how many well designed products he came up with.
Maybe better controllers exist today but the motors have not improved beyond the best designs of the past....for audio. I am not convinced by digital control either.