The new audiophile vinyl series The Original Source from Deutsche Grammophon (AAA)

I had received my order of the Pastoral and Bruckner 4 a few weeks ago from Acoustic Sounds. The pressings are defect free!

However, in regards to the Pastoral record there are times when I wish it also had more bass end energy. Although there is nice layers in the sound staging, the frequency response sounds tilted up to me.... not balanced. Needs more foundation, imho. Also, there are times when the strings sound somewhat strident. Almost like some DMM recordings can sound.

I will admit, that unfortunately I am currently suffering with a bad bout of Covid ( my first time ever with the Virus ) so I wonder if it is affecting my hearing to a degree?

P.S. To my ears, the Bruckner 4 sounds better to me, fwiw.

Best wishes,

The Pastoral sounds fine on my system with vacuum tube phono stage and SET amps. Speakers are tube friendly.

Hope you are feeling better.


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