Thank you

. The problem I face is that I cannot cut off these members. Three times I gave a polite answer to Rob but he kept coming back. He then proceeded to make trouble for the management team by reporting my post. Clearly lack of action on my part has emboldened a few members to keep conducting themselves in this manner.
My options are to sanction them formally but then that gets them to go and cry victim. So I avoid doing that and sit on the PMs. I have been doing this for months and the severity and reckless abandon with which these individuals have been acting to create politics and factionalism in the forum has hit the roof. There has been significant development of that in the last 7 days as these people have tried to tailor the public opinion to their liking and enjoy the lack of disclosure of what really has gone on. If membership are to be used to make points, then the membership is entitled to knowing more than they do.
One of the principles I live by since I was young was hatred of bullying. Hurtful speech sent to members falls squarely in that bucket. This is why I want to encourage reporting of such so that people know not to use the tools and platform we have paid for and developed, to be used for such acts. It is not right, it is not proper, it is not fair.
Do not expect any privacy when your intent in sending a PM is to hurt that person emotionally. This is not why that system was created and our terms of service clearly stipulate that this forum is built on foundation of friendliness. As you rightly say, a PM is just like a post but with limited distribution. That fact does not excuse anyone to use vulgar, insulting, demeaning language to address anyone.
In this case we are talking about a site co-founder. Under what book of etiquette do I look that says people have the right to send me PMs with the most insulting language in them? I mean I am sitting on a PM that has this in the title:
"when will you get the message and get off your arrogant pompous ass". I have been sitting on this for nearly 6 months while this person campagnes to tell everyone I am the bad guy. And turn around say, "members hate you so I am right!"
If tables were turned, how many of you sit here and take no action whatsoever as I have done? What would you do if you were me?