In general it is probably not a good idea to look for a cure to a pandemic in a audio forum
Well I certainly didn’t suggest a cure. Why it’s dangerous for me to be unsurprised by common side effects is unknown to me.
In general it is probably not a good idea to look for a cure to a pandemic in a audio forum
Hah. I did have a reply to the steroid post all prepared but then realised that a) I'm a guest in someone else's house here and will play by the rules and B) I haven't been here long enough to be rude .I’m looking forward to hearing back from Surfski as he is on the front lines
Hah. I did have a reply to the steroid post all prepared but then realised that a) I'm a guest in someone else's house here and will play by the rules and B) I haven't been here long enough to be rude .
There is a reason you won't find me posting on threads pertaining to amplifier design- I know sod all about that.
The fascinating thing to me with this is how effective I'm finding the process of "proning" ventilated patients. Its a method I've used on and off for years without ever truly being convinced. But , fortunately, one group from Wuhan did CT scans on all their ventilated Covid's. Really interesting progression and spread of disease, different from more "traditional ARDS". Proning in some of these is quite useful.
I'll post more later if there is any interest. I'm going to grab a couple of hours kip.
Folsom, i have come to have the utmost respect for your uncanny ability to absorb material from books and the internet, you are very good at educating yourself. But in this case i have to agree with Steve, there is nothing wrong with you analyzing things and coming to certain conclusions, but be careful with offering them up in this forum. This is not a subject like audio/ electronics where most things written have been studied and agreed to by “experts” over a longer period of time . There seems to be a lot of unvalidated information about this decease and potential treatments floating around on the internet these days. Sometimes by doctors just having a “hunch” and sometimes by people just claiming to be doctors.I don't take offense to learning. But to just say "you're wrong" when common information clearly outlines side effects of steroids, doesn't tell me anything. There's no reason to be rude for anything.
And also you'll find people all day long posting about amplifier design, and don't listen to those of that do work on designing electronics - all day everyday that goes on.
Just speaking for me I want to read everything you can post about cv19. I was even asking questions for more information...
American Medical Association warns against indiscriminate purchase and use of hydroxychloroquine or azithromycin:
Mayo Clinic cardiologist: 'Inexcusable' to ignore hydroxychloroquine side effects
While safe for most, the drug carries serious side effects for some, including sudden cardiac arrest.
From the article:
"But [the cardiologist] said he was alarmed that the conversation had gotten "way too nonmedical and nonscientific.""
I find it infuriating that CNN repeats the Chinese propaganda that "The US Army brought the virus to Wuhan" as one of the virus origin theories on the list equal in plausibility to the other virus origin theories.
Hah. I did have a reply to the steroid post all prepared but then realised that a) I'm a guest in someone else's house here and will play by the rules and B) I haven't been here long enough to be rude .
There is a reason you won't find me posting on threads pertaining to amplifier design- I know sod all about that.
The fascinating thing to me with this is how effective I'm finding the process of "proning" ventilated patients. Its a method I've used on and off for years without ever truly being convinced. But , fortunately, one group from Wuhan did CT scans on all their ventilated Covid's. Really interesting progression and spread of disease, different from more "traditional ARDS". Proning in some of these is quite useful.
I'll post more later if there is any interest. I'm going to grab a couple of hours kip.
Ron, I think this is consistent with much of their coverage, IMO. YMMV.
Like so many such articles, it raises lots of conspiracies, blames the conspiracies on particular groups or individuals, throws lots of dispersions, and then reaches no conclusions as to the origin of the virus, basically suggesting that there are any number of possible sources. It is just more bloviation, but it does serve its purpose to sow division.
I would like to know what the people of Wuhan think about the origins. Sadly, with the lack of information and access, the investigators may never discover the true source of the virus.
Actually no, Peter:
And next post.
That would be nice. Too bad anyone who speaks ends up “missing” somehow.
Looks like our death predictions dropped to 60k now. This is the Bill Gates funded IMHE model.