This Corona Virus Mania is Just Too Much, We All Need to Chill!

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I use a mask when riding my bike. The part that covers my mouth is wet in no time.
I find it troubling that masks are not being used as a prophylactic to prevent ingestion of that cloud.

I think it's an art to wear a mask for various type of pandemics, and the material used of course.
Next year in North American and European schools they should have classes about masks for various viruses during epidemics and pandemics...depending if it's a rat, a pig, a chicken or a bat.

New member , first post.
I'n an Intensive Care specialist when I'm not listening to music. About half of the deaths I'm seeing from this are from cardiac causes, not respiratory. In face , from a lung point of view , some of this who die are making slight improvements . What I'm seeing is an abrupt deterioration in the cardiovascular system akin to an acute myocarditis or severe viral cardiomyopathy. Once this happens , there appears to be an inexorable decline towards irreversible cardiac death. I've seen bad swine flu ( in fact, got it from a sick patient). This is worse, far worse despite what the so called experts say.

Another report from the front lines:

We live in a townhouse, in a structure of 4 units, two lower, two upper. We are in one of the lower units, and the unit next door to us is occupied by a doctor/OBGYN at a major hospital in Boston and her police officer friend. Both are in this fight in their own ways, and take extreme precautions when getting back home. One of the upstairs units is a recovering covid19 patient, about whom we found out just yesterday, after he fully recovered, and unfortunately he told no one until he was out of the woods. He claims he had very little contact with the common areas and used gloves/mask/wipes, only running downstairs to pick up food at the main entrance that others left for him on a daily basis. His only symptoms were a cough and very high fever for a number of days, and his test came back positive only the day before his full recovery.

The way the doctor described the symptoms of this disease is: a) nothing like the common flu or colds, ie. nothing that has to do with runny nose and the like; b) everything to do with dry cough and high fever, with typical loss of taste. She said this virus attacks the lungs, period. She described the situations she deals with at the hospital as nothing anyone has seen before, a war zone, and especially in NYC where she has friends, it's worse than 9-11 in terms of dying patients, and obviously in terms of threat to the medical staff. All of that is not news at this point, but is first-hand confirmation of what we read from credible, worthy news sources.

She also confirmed what you wrote regarding cardiac deaths, and of course, that this is really a bad disease. We did not discuss treatments.

The bottom line for me is this:

1) There may be sick people all around us that we don't know about, so extreme precautions are mandatory

2) This disease has nothing to do with the flu (and is in fact much worse) as one idiotic TV & radio network we all recognize used to tout for a while, parroting the words of its fake, ignorant and now-dangerous leader-model (Feb 26: "View this the same as the flu")

3) There are true warriors out there whom we need to thank, and who run to the front lines every day rather selflessly, and I am proud to be living right next to two of them

Take this disease VERY seriously.
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New member , first post.
I'n an Intensive Care specialist when I'm not listening to music. About half of the deaths I'm seeing from this are from cardiac causes, not respiratory. In face , from a lung point of view , some of this who die are making slight improvements . What I'm seeing is an abrupt deterioration in the cardiovascular system akin to an acute myocarditis or severe viral cardiomyopathy. Once this happens , there appears to be an inexorable decline towards irreversible cardiac death. I've seen bad swine flu ( in fact, got it from a sick patient). This is worse, far worse despite what the so called experts say.
Big welcome to WBF surfski

How are things doing in your country?
New member , first post.
I'n an Intensive Care specialist when I'm not listening to music. About half of the deaths I'm seeing from this are from cardiac causes, not respiratory. In face , from a lung point of view , some of this who die are making slight improvements . What I'm seeing is an abrupt deterioration in the cardiovascular system akin to an acute myocarditis or severe viral cardiomyopathy. Once this happens , there appears to be an inexorable decline towards irreversible cardiac death. I've seen bad swine flu ( in fact, got it from a sick patient). This is worse, far worse despite what the so called experts say.

What are you they doing to treat the cardio system? It's not a surprise to read this... The receptor mentioned earlier by a few here are responsible for triggering anti-inflammatory systems in the cardiovascular system. It seems like treatment with some anti-inflammatories would be good.

Are these people eating or drinking any? Small IV bag with a little potassium?

There's a number of foods and things that I suspect would not be wise, and others that would be beneficial.
I find it infuriating that CNN repeats the Chinese propaganda that "The US Army brought the virus to Wuhan" as one of the virus origin theories on the list equal in plausibility to the other virus origin theories.

Ron, sorry, I think you misread that. Quote:

"A vacuum of knowledge about the origins of the new coronavirus ravaging the world has provided fertile ground for all manner of theories -- from the fantastic, to the dubious to the believable.

"It was a bioweapon manufactured by the Chinese. The US Army brought the virus to Wuhan. It leaked -- like a genie out of a bottle -- from a lab in an accident. It took root at a wildlife market in Wuhan.

"Scientists have banded together across international borders to condemn the nationalist-tinged conspiracy theories."
(End quote.)

It seems obvious to me in the context that the second paragraph refers to "theories, from the fantastic, to the dubious to the believable", in that order (from the first paragraph) and "conspiracy theories" (third paragraph).

So no, I think the article says just the opposite, that the idea that the US Army brought the virus to Wuhan is NOT plausible. The bioweapon theory and the one with the US Army are"fantastic", the lab accident is "dubious", and the wet market is "believable".

(I would argue that the lab accident is believable as well.)
So no, I think the article says just the opposite, that the idea that the US Army brought the virus to Wuhan is NOT plausible. The bioweapon theory and the one with the US Army are"fantastic", the lab accident is "dubious", and the wet market is "believable".

Yes, that's exactly how the article reads.
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What are you they doing to treat the cardio system? It's not a surprise to read this... The receptor mentioned earlier by a few here are responsible for triggering anti-inflammatory systems in the cardiovascular system. It seems like treatment with some anti-inflammatories would be good.

China was using high dose steroid ( but that seems to be part of their treatment for ARDS generally. ) We don't use steroids much, some soft evidence of increased mortality. Unfortunately there ain't no magic bullet here.
China was using high dose steroid ( but that seems to be part of their treatment for ARDS generally. ) We don't use steroids much, some soft evidence of increased mortality. Unfortunately there ain't no magic bullet here.

Magic? Certainly not. But there are powerful cofactors for helping the cardiovascular system. And there are things that inflame it...

Steroids could be a bad thing for anyone who has the problem of cardiovascular distress. They would be useful I guess for someone if they only had auto-immune lung response. How do you tell the difference? That's what someone knows, but I don't.
But he appears to be a phd virus expert with 35 years of expirience .
Not just some one on an audioforum..

While that may be true, it is obvious to anyone who has cared to actually inform themselves that there are countless epidemiologists with also decades of experience who would say to his opinions, "WTF?".

But hey, you can always find outlier opinions in support of your views.
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While that may be true, it is obvious to anyone who has cared to actually inform themselves that there are countless epidemiologists with also decades of experience who would say to his opinions, "WTF?".

Correct !

I assumed it was a fake - those boofhead questioners did not dig very deep
The idea that you can instantly locate the elderly and compromised in the equivalent of a PC3 lab while the virus rages outside is crazy , 4 weeks impossible, and it is just not the flu !

Magic? Certainly not. But there are powerful cofactors for helping the cardiovascular system. And there are things that inflame it...

Steroids could be a bad thing for anyone who has the problem of cardiovascular distress. They would be useful I guess for someone if they only had auto-immune lung response. How do you tell the difference? That's what someone knows, but I don't.

why don't we leave the medical opinions to the doctors who are posting here. I say this because once again I disagree with this statement. TBH, it is these kind of posts that forced me to close the last thread on this subject as we were getting too many medical opinions from those who aren't doctors. Not a matter of calling rank here but rather disseminating correct information
. . .
"It was a bioweapon manufactured by the Chinese. The US Army brought the virus to Wuhan. It leaked -- like a genie out of a bottle -- from a lab in an accident. It took root at a wildlife market in Wuhan.

. . .

Thank you, Al.

I was referring to this four sentence list in the second paragraph which, I think, neutrally lists four mutually exclusive possibilities. I think that even mentioning the U.S. Army in this list dignifies the Chinese propaganda.

I agree with you on your other points.
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why don't we leave the medical opinions to the doctors who are posting here. I say this because once again I disagree with this statement. TBH, it is these kind of posts that forced me to close the last thread on this subject as we were getting too many medical opinions from those who aren't doctors. Not a matter of calling rank here but rather disseminating correct information
In general it is probably not a good idea to look for a cure to a pandemic in a audio forum :rolleyes:
I’m looking forward to hearing back from Surfski as he is on the front lines

In the meantime I thought this interview was very good, he discusses how covid causes organ failure and cardiac issues.

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why don't we leave the medical opinions to the doctors who are posting here. I say this because once again I disagree with this statement. TBH, it is these kind of posts that forced me to close the last thread on this subject as we were getting too many medical opinions from those who aren't doctors. Not a matter of calling rank here but rather disseminating correct information

Really, it doesn't take an MD to find stuff... It's well known that a common side effect of steroids is high blood pressure. Furthermore they can contribute to significantly higher blood sugar, and that begins problems with oxidative stress - a source of more inflammation. Common sense would make one think twice about say giving white rice that hasn't been cooled completely and reheated to patients... (white rice is high glycemic when cooked and served hot) So ya I'm totally curious about food etc. What about any of that is my opinion? It's all verifiable by slews of peer reviewed research.
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