This Corona Virus Mania is Just Too Much, We All Need to Chill!

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I doubt a democratic president would have shut down the country earlier

The leader of the Democrats was in SF Chinatown 3 WEEKS after the travel ban, shoulder to shoulder with people, shaking hands, and encouraging everyone to visit and support the businesses. So yes, your statement is quite accurate.
Folsom, if you do your research you will find that an amazing amount of people landed directly from China without quarantine or follow up, long after the travel ban.
Ron, initially POTUS understood enough to shut down air traffic from China. He was roundly criticized for this travel ban, so I would not agree that he misunderstood the medical threat completely. That early decision was a good one and I don’t see anyone criticizing it at this point.

Duly noted.

On a strictly up or down vote, does this attempt at a consensus resolution have your support or not?
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If I were trying to attract the members of WBF to vote for a resolution summarizing an attempt at a consensus view -- trying to maximize the number of "Yea" votes -- I would propose the following:


1) Initially POTUS misunderstood the medical threat of the virus and wrongly downplayed and dismissed it.

2) The initial federal response to the virus was slow and erratic because of, among other reasons, legacy bureaucratic rules at government health agencies regarding testing protocols and approval procedures, inadequate supplies of personal protective equipment and virus tests, inaccurate and inconsistent pronouncements by the W.H.O., and 1) above.

3) Since the slow and halting start in 1) and 2) POTUS has understood and accepted the magnitude of the virus problem, and has empowered medical, health, economic and financial members of the administration to energize significant and impressive government and private sector responses to the pandemic.

* * *

Legislation is not perfect. A good piece of legislation leaves everybody who voted for it somewhat dissatisfied. The perfect is not allowed to be the enemy of the good.

Could this compromise resolution attract majority support?

Brave early call Ron !

I think you probably have a consensus position on this thread but that doesn't mean its correct - or in fact anyone will agree.
if you look at the countries that have dealt with it best they are typically not ideologically driven , are more pragmatic, listened to credible experts and acted early.
The antithesis of this of course is China, whose totalitarian ideological vanity prevented them from listening to experts in the own country and subsequently alerting and engaging with expertise around the world, arguably unleashing this possibly preventable dystopian clusterf### on us all.

So I would say beware ideology and vanity in your leaders

This all ties together.

Ron, if you want to summarize that I would say it's necessary to include the fact that China downplayed the severity so they could buy all open market and cold call PPE they possibly could before telling the world how bad cv19 happens to be. POTUS didn't trust them early on and cut travel, which is good.

Why do you think he didn’t trust them? He authorized the US to send almost 18 tons of PPE at the same time he instituted the travel ban. Forgetting about whether that was a smart move or not, why would he do that if he didn’t trust them?
This all ties together.

Ron, if you want to summarize that I would say it's necessary to include the fact that China downplayed the severity so they could buy all open market and cold call PPE they possibly could before telling the world how bad cv19 happens to be. POTUS didn't trust them early on and cut travel, which is good. But as being noted that wasn't enough; because know that almost all cv19 in NYC originated from Europe (news articles today about it, please note that isn't confirmed or necessarily speculated at all for anywhere on the West coast)

I think keeping the political talk very lite is better... (as close to "no politics" as we can). Even though everything I said above is fact, everyone's interpretation is very different of what all that means, and how it should be looked at politically.

Thank you, Folsom. But an effort to write a complete and accurate summary is a different project with a different focus and a different objective than is an effort to achieve a compromise legislative resolution.
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Just let me state the obvious.
If we started making masks in January we should have had more than enough by now.
Ventilator/Respirators can't be that hard to make. How many Chevrolets do we make per day?
Please China may be the premier producer in the world. Why would they need to hoard anything.
Just let me state the obvious.
If we started making masks in January we should have had more than enough by now.
Ventilator/Respirators can't be that hard to make. How many Chevrolets do we make per day?
Please China may be the premier producer in the world. Why would they need to hoard anything.
At that time they where running low themselves.
Folsom, if you do your research you will find that an amazing amount of people landed directly from China without quarantine or follow up, long after the travel ban.

Ok. I don't know everything. But was it not nationals returning? I know about a family from Wuhan visiting the Yuba area of California long before anything, and infections popping up there (that my relatives got) - but not specifics other than that.

Why do you think he didn’t trust them? He authorized the US to send almost 18 tons of PPE at the same time he instituted the travel ban. Forgetting about whether that was a smart move or not, why would he do that if he didn’t trust them?

Not fully trusting what a country that kicks out all foreign reporters does not mean you would refuse humanitarian aid to them. At the time it may have been the best decision.

Thank you, Folsom. But an effort to write a complete and accurate summary is a different project with a different focus and a different objective than is an effort to achieve a compromise legislative resolution.

Did you become a politician this week, Ron? :p Actually I'm just not sure what you're saying. I said I want the summary to include China's denial to the outside world and PPE purchasing. Those directly affect decisions made in the US as well as availability of PPE in the US. I think it's wrong not to include them. That is if you're going to pursue a summary, since I vote for just not getting anymore political than we already are.
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. . . Did you become a politician this week, Ron? :p

. . .

Ha ha!

No; but with time on my hands I thought I would attempt to see if I could bridge the opinion divide here on WBF, and distill a plurality or even a majority view.

PS: I appreciate that my consensus resolution idea is arguably "political," but I tried to keep it light in accordance with the slightly relaxed "no politics" standard articulated for this particular thread in Post #651.
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Duly noted.

On a strictly up or down vote, does this attempt at a consensus resolution have your support or not?

Ron, Any attempt at a consensus resolution is doomed to failure because as soon as data changes there will be calls for a new resolution while former resolutions are quickly forgotten. Evolution of opinion seems to be a good thing and so I think nothing will be resolved. Historians will have much to discuss in the future about this episode. And besides one measure of results will take place in November.
At that time they where running low themselves.
You mean their hoarding was unsuccessful? That would be further proof they had no effect on US.
300000 traveled from China before the travel restrictions. "The horse may well have left the barn.""
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If I were trying to attract the members of WBF to vote for a resolution summarizing an attempt at a consensus view -- trying to maximize the number of "Yea" votes -- I would propose the following:


1) Initially POTUS misunderstood the medical threat of the virus and wrongly downplayed and dismissed it.

2) The initial federal response to the virus was slow and erratic because of, among other reasons, legacy bureaucratic rules at government health agencies regarding testing protocols and approval procedures, inadequate supplies of personal protective equipment and virus tests, inaccurate and inconsistent pronouncements by the W.H.O., and 1) above.

3) Since the slow and halting start in 1) and 2) POTUS has understood and accepted the magnitude of the virus problem, and has empowered medical, health, economic and financial members of the administration to energize significant and impressive government and private sector responses to the pandemic.

* * *

Legislation is not perfect. A good piece of legislation leaves everybody who voted for it somewhat dissatisfied. The perfect is not allowed to be the enemy of the good.

Could this compromise resolution attract majority WBF support?

Ron, once again, this is exactly what I posted about and got a violation for a couple days ago. I'll repeat my request to rescind that, I think it's only fair if you're going to post your version of events. If you're allowed to post your thoughts on this then everyone should be able to.

My version has the Federal Gov't understanding the nature of the threat and basically choosing the "herd immunity" model for economic and political reasons. This explains why there has been no prep for PPE and testing. Why it was initially claimed to be no big deal and cases would quickly drop to zero. Then, after realizing this could lead to million of deaths the threat was acknowledged, but too little too late. And as a result there's no real leadership on this issue, the delegation to Governors was a poor plan as evidenced by states and federal government bidding on the same medical equipment, which is a ridiculous scenario.

If you compare our response to other countries that have minimized it's effects it's clear our response has been a failure. And it's NOT because nobody could have predicted this, or it wasn't understood, etc... there's been TONS of papers on the subject, movies on the subject, experts warning us about the threat, etc. This NOT a hindsight is 20/20 type of scenario, it's a total lack of competence scenario.
Exactly my point, Tasos. What the hell, indeed?

Thank you.

Yeah, that's right, no? Someone like trump can unite this country, who would have thought! So yeah, WTH, how come others don't get it too! Hey, come to think of it, who would have thought his TV ratings would also surpass the Bachelor and he'd be #1 on Facebook - or did they not watch that press conference. If we can all raise our online ratings, we'd all be fully united.

And what about those uninformed folks who claim that "initially POTUS understood enough to shut down air traffic from China", when the reality is that "the Trump administration said Friday that it would bar entry by most foreign nationals who had recently visited China and put some American travelers under a quarantine as it declared a rare public health emergency" - i.e. letting in only American citizens and nothing to do with shutting down air traffic per se, which is what Hannity keeps saying - not to mention that the first intelligence reports came in November, according to ABC News last night; and not to mention that folks from the UK and Ireland were still let in after the European travel ban, for a few more days. To hell with all the misinformation, right? WTH indeed. I get ya...
I don't know Greg but I still maintain that there's been an overreaction to this pandemic vs previous ones. I'm not diminishing the loss of life just that this isn't the first time nor the worst ones according to the numbers but the reaction is on a different level than any previous pandemic or disaster.


Then fly to NYC and volunteer at a hospital. If it’s just a hyped up flu then what’s the worry.
I used to have to tell my formers employers after some patently unattainable policy ojective had crashed to the ground;
We are where we are.
It usually had the desired response of stopping all sorts of backward looking debate and channelling discussion on the way forward, though that is not to diminish the importance of lesson learning.
The position in the UK is not vastly different from that in the USA. The main difference is that the UK Govt has introduced more costly and substantial programmes to help both businesses and the unemployed withstand the present difficulties. Other European countries are doing much the same.
There is a widespread acceptance that the fight against the current problems is the no 1 priority and examining how it all happened and the appropriateness of the responses must wait.
I don't at this stage see any viable option to what is being done now and the continuation of the lockdown. Nor, if may say so, do I believe other countries have any choice either.
Any premature ending of the current lockdowns would on my reading of the evidence only result in an even greater spread of the virus and I don't see how it could be poltically and socially acceptable. It would most likely overwhelm health care systems and lead to serious public disorder with goodnesses knows what consequences.
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Ron, once again, this is exactly what I posted about and got a violation for a couple days ago. I'll repeat my request to rescind that, I think it's only fair if you're going to post your version of events. If you're allowed to post your thoughts on this then everyone should be able to.

My version has the Federal Gov't understanding the nature of the threat and basically choosing the "herd immunity" model for economic and political reasons. This explains why there has been no prep for PPE and testing. Why it was initially claimed to be no big deal and cases would quickly drop to zero. Then, after realizing this could lead to million of deaths the threat was acknowledged, but too little too late. And as a result there's no real leadership on this issue, the delegation to Governors was a poor plan as evidenced by states and federal government bidding on the same medical equipment, which is a ridiculous scenario.

If you compare our response to other countries that have minimized it's effects it's clear our response has been a failure. And it's NOT because nobody could have predicted this, or it wasn't understood, etc... there's been TONS of papers on the subject, movies on the subject, experts warning us about the threat, etc. This NOT a hindsight is 20/20 type of scenario, it's a total lack of competence scenario.

Dear Dave,

Does this mean you are casting your vote against the proposed consensus resolution?
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Ron, Any attempt at a consensus resolution is doomed to failure because as soon as data changes there will be calls for a new resolution while former resolutions are quickly forgotten. Evolution of opinion seems to be a good thing and so I think nothing will be resolved. Historians will have much to discuss in the future about this episode. And besides one measure of results will take place in November.

I think it is good that you are not an elected representative tasked with writing legislation. :)
Tasos, my post was about the divergence of opinions. When you wrote what the hell to my post you were providing evidence that there are differences of opinions. That is why I thanked you.

I was not talking about actual events but rather the opinions and interpretations of those events and how they vary.
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Tasos, my post was about the divergence of opinions. When you wrote what the hell to my post you were providing evidence that there are differences of opinions. That is why I think you.

I was not talking about actual events but rather the opinions and interpretations of those events and how they vary.

The "WTH" comment was all about the nonsense that's being written. And maybe that should have stopped right there and then.
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