Doubt it! We're still as divided as ever and sadly nothing will change this going forward, even an invasion from outer space. They'll blame it on his SpaceforceIf I were trying to attract the members of WBF to vote for a resolution summarizing an attempt at a consensus view -- trying to maximize the number of "Yea" votes -- I would propose the following:
1) Initially POTUS misunderstood the medical threat of the virus and wrongly downplayed and dismissed it.
2) The initial federal response to the virus was slow and erratic because of, among other reasons, legacy bureaucratic rules at government health agencies regarding testing protocols and approval procedures, inadequate supplies of personal protective equipment and virus tests, inaccurate and inconsistent pronouncements by the W.H.O., and 1) above.
3) Since the slow and halting start in 1) and 2) POTUS has understood and accepted the magnitude of the virus problem, and has empowered medical, health, economic and financial members of the administration to energize significant and impressive government and private sector responses to the pandemic.
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Legislation is not perfect. A good piece of legislation leaves everybody who voted for it somewhat dissatisfied. The perfect is not allowed to be the enemy of the good.
Could this compromise resolution attract majority WBF support?