This Corona Virus Mania is Just Too Much, We All Need to Chill!

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Dear Dave,

Does this mean you are casting your vote against the proposed consensus resolution?

I certainly agree with #1.

#2 is at least partially correct, but I think the main reason we were slow is because we never intended to implement any of the distancing or lockdowns now in place. Further, inadequate leadership and misinformation at the federal level compounded the problem.

#3 may also be correct but it's only part of the story, the other part is the refusal of Federal Gov't to take a leadership role, and take ownership of the crisis. "We're just here for backup." (paraphrasing) is one of the weakest and most pathetic things I've ever heard and it makes me angry. Refusal to implement a nationwide lockdown is like having a section of a public pool that's ok to pee in, thinking the rest of the pool will stay urine-free. Governor(s) claiming that only recently did they understand that asymptomatic carriers can spread covid19 is either a blatant lie or criminally incompetent.

Look, I'm fine with giving credit where credit is due and I agree with statements that the travel bans in late Jan were the right move, they were, and we're working on getting stimulus and unemployment programs beefed up, this is all great. But it's gotta be balanced with the objective fact that many aspects of our response were strangely inadequate as well.
Then fly to NYC and volunteer at a hospital. If it’s just a hyped up flu then what’s the worry.
I was there 12 days ago. My family lives there and my mother is in and out of rehab. She goes into the hospital for weekly checks and blood draws too and so what? Irrelevant comment Keith but it follows your trend here, anything else?
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I was there 12 days ago. My family lives there and my mother is in and out of rehab. She goes into the hospital for weekly checks and blood draws too and so what? Irrelevant comment Keith but it follows your trend here, anything else?

So tell us about your hospital experience then. You seem to keep quoting how overplayed the situation is on this thread - we'd like to hear your view from the frontline when you visited.

The only trend is your alt-right politics continuously worn on your sleeve here, from which you've been warned a dozen times. Hence quoting Coulter and others that suit your needs and considering all other sources fake news, fake doctors, and ironically "partisan." I feel like I'm watching a Breitbart commercial. I mean, you suddenly interjected climate change multiple times in this thread as well.

I really hate politics w/ audio people. I've actually had to quit one relationship with a hard left guy too, so I go both ways on this. So yeah, I'll stop reading this thread because its not about medical news, but really about peoples predisposed opinions based on chosen partisan sources. You said so yourself and nothing has changed your view since pre-crisis - which is tremendous considering how mine and others have based on the severity of this disease. You asked why I don't share what I know about hospitals, that's why David. I truly feel like you wouldn't care.

How does one explain ;

Sweden 10 milllion people 800 deaths
Holland 17 million people 2400 :

Sweden virtually no restrictions
In holland you get a fine if you are in a group of 390 euro and you have all kinds of measures
Social distancing is in place / quarantine
they closed of whole parks forests with the easter holiday etc etc
IMO there is a case to be made that a virus does not survive well outside , a lot of experts say that .
Staying indoors prolongs the life of a virus and it speads very easy .
A lot of mass transmissions have occured in nursing homes and religious gatherings

I would recommend you revert to Italy & the mostly likely reason for the massive CV spread in their country - was a soccer match attended by a large number of people.
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I really hate politics w/ audio people. I've actually had to quit one relationship with a hard left guy too, so I go both ways on this.

Yes, there are extreme views on both sides of the spectrum.
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And other viruses and diseases didn't?
All this has happened in the past the only thing new and novel is nations being shut down.

That's is not a factually correct statement - recommend you read the the restrictions that were implemented during the Spanish flue pandemic by various countries that were severe for the time.
I'm letting this one go Keith without responding as it serves no purpose!

So tell us about your hospital experience then. You seem to keep quoting how overplayed the situation is on this thread - we'd like to hear your view from the frontline when you visited.

The only trend is your alt-right politics continuously worn on your sleeve here, from which you've been warned a dozen times. Hence quoting Coulter and others that suit your needs and considering all other sources fake news, fake doctors, and ironically "partisan." I feel like I'm watching a Breitbart commercial. I mean, you suddenly interjected climate change multiple times in this thread as well.

I really hate politics w/ audio people. I've actually had to quit one relationship with a hard left guy too, so I go both ways on this. So yeah, I'll stop reading this thread because its not about medical news, but really about peoples predisposed opinions based on chosen partisan sources. You said so yourself and nothing has changed your view since pre-crisis - which is tremendous considering how mine and others have based on the severity of this disease. You asked why I don't share what I know about hospitals, that's why David. I truly feel like you wouldn't care.

It’s easy to find fault with leadership and difficult to join because you can’t see around the corner. Unfortunately most succumb to the latter.
That's is not a factually correct statement - recommend you read the the restrictions that were implemented during the Spanish flue pandemic by various countries that were severe for the time.
I agree but that was much later and the death toll was incredible.

Since Monday there have been 100k known new cases and close to 6000 deaths. And this is with social distancing and everything non-essential shut down. How could anyone think we have gone overboard with this?
How does one explain ;

Sweden 10 milllion people 800 deaths
Holland 17 million people 2400 :

Sweden virtually no restrictions
In holland you get a fine if you are in a group of 390 euro and you have all kinds of measures
Social distancing is in place / quarantine
they closed of whole parks forests with the easter holiday etc etc
IMO there is a case to be made that a virus does not survive well outside , a lot of experts say that .
Staying indoors prolongs the life of a virus and it speads very easy .
A lot of mass transmissions have occured in nursing homes and religious gatherings
So the virus is not a spontaneous life form. It is not a matter of chosing a hostile environment for the virus. The purpose of staying inside is to avoid contact with someone who has the virus.
I think we call that a red herring.
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Deleted political
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Since Monday there have been 100k known new cases and close to 6000 deaths. And this is with social distancing and everything non-essential shut down. How could anyone think we have gone overboard with this?
And overall 98% recovery rate is also part of the same statistics.

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So the virus is not a spontaneous life form. It is not a matter of chosing a hostile environment for the virus. The purpose of staying inside is to avoid contact with someone who has the virus.
I think we call that a red herring.
And not infecting other people if you have it !;)
Here's a list of warnings about pandemics that have occurred recently, the source is left-leaning but the content of this is very important for us to understand. It starts at 5:20 and the list of warnings and sources is less than a minute long so you don't have to watch the whole thing. ;)

This completely blows the idea that "nobody saw this coming" out of the water. Everyone saw it coming and it was THE primary security concern for many...

Seriously? So pandemic scenarios that have been written about for decades are now a source of attack on Potus. Check and see how many died of the N1H1 pandemic that started here in US and they knew all about it before the previous administration did anything about it. Not only that the supply of masks and other protective gear was exhausted by that administration and never replenished. Since it was so obvious to everyone whey didn't Cuomo buy the ventilators he was offered at a discount?

While I'm getting accused of playing politics I haven't taken it there, it's posts like this that have nothing but baseless attacks on the POTUS that drag politics into this thread and they're piling up.

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I certainly agree with #1.

#2 is at least partially correct, but I think the main reason we were slow is because we never intended to implement any of the distancing or lockdowns now in place. Further, inadequate leadership and misinformation at the federal level compounded the problem.

#3 may also be correct but it's only part of the story, the other part is the refusal of Federal Gov't to take a leadership role, and take ownership of the crisis. "We're just here for backup." (paraphrasing) is one of the weakest and most pathetic things I've ever heard and it makes me angry. Refusal to implement a nationwide lockdown is like having a section of a public pool that's ok to pee in, thinking the rest of the pool will stay urine-free. Governor(s) claiming that only recently did they understand that asymptomatic carriers can spread covid19 is either a blatant lie or criminally incompetent.

Look, I'm fine with giving credit where credit is due and I agree with statements that the travel bans in late Jan were the right move, they were, and we're working on getting stimulus and unemployment programs beefed up, this is all great. But it's gotta be balanced with the objective fact that many aspects of our response were strangely inadequate as well.

Dear Dave,

You don't get to pontificate and rewrite the resolution yourself.

You get to vote "Yea" or "Nay" on the resolution as written.

How do you cast your vote?
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Dear Dave,

You don't get to pontificate and rewrite the resolution yourself.

You get to vote "Yea" or "Nay" on the resolution as written.

How do you cast your vote?

That's tough because I agree with a lot of it, but it's not anywhere close to a balanced analysis. That's why I suggested some additions. ;)
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And overall 98% recovery rate is also part of the same statistics.


Not for the 6000 deaths.

You still haven’t said how you think we should handle this. I am really interested.
Not for the 6000 deaths.

You still haven’t said how you think we should handle this. I am really interested.

Without hysteria. People die it's a fact of life but the number of dead doesn't change that 98% recovered, also according to the data collected from here and other countries the virus follows a bell curve, it peaks and then comes down and doesn't go back up again. I see this as positives you're welcome to your doom and gloom.

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Duly noted.

On a strictly up or down vote, does this attempt at a consensus resolution have your support or not?

Ron, your attempt at a consensus resolution does not have my vote. I vote nay.

And I count my blessings that I am not a politician and in a position to have to make these incredibly difficult decisions. The pressure must be incredible and no matter what you do half the country is going to hate you for it.
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