This Corona Virus Mania is Just Too Much, We All Need to Chill!

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As a non resident of the good ol' USofA - I am guessing this is another genuine CV update. Perhaps PeterA could enlighten me as to the bona fides of these 2 gentlemen.

Greetings Rob181. "Gentlemen" is not a politically correct term over here. I have no idea who these two guys are. Perhaps you should ask Jeff who actually posted the video and found it to be be both "inspiring and helpful". I found it rather amusing and kept looking for Linda Blair.
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At least Mr Copeland and his friend looked very well groomed in the hair department. In the U.K. All the hairdressers are closed.
Being a silver fox and missed my last appointment, if this Coro thing keeps going for too long I will finish up looking like Moses.
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As a non resident of the good ol' USofA - I am guessing this is another genuine CV update. Perhaps PeterA could enlighten me as to the bona fides of these 2 gentlemen.

The United States was founded on the principle of religious freedom. Freedom often brings extremism and lunacy. This video is from a very successful radical evangelical Christian. They use fear, xenophobia and ignorance to control the uneducated masses in this country.

The Canadians have the answer to these types of carnival hucksters:

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What is going on in Japan? Its a densely populated country. I have not heard much about Coronavirus there..
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Another website tracking the coronav's progress with easy to follow graphs. What's interesting is the last box comparing total mentions of this pandemic vs previous ones by media. Really why I started this thread, I still believe that we're being manipulated to a great extent with unnecessary fear and most data I see here and on other sites isn't that bad.

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Another website tracking the coronav's progress with easy to follow graphs. What's interesting is the last box comparing total mentions of this pandemic vs previous ones by media. Really why I started this thread, I still believe that we're being manipulated to a great extent with unnecessary fear and most data I see here and on other sites isn't that bad.


How do you think we are being manipulated? The facts themselves are very scary. A death rate of 2% or so is awfully high for viral disease. Sure, every media outlet has some spin but in 1 month the US has gone from a handful of infections to close to 200k and that’s with some extreme measures of shutdown and social distancing. If this was left unchecked it could easily kill a couple million Americans. Do you not think that fear is warranted?
Another website tracking the coronav's progress with easy to follow graphs. What's interesting is the last box comparing total mentions of this pandemic vs previous ones by media. Really why I started this thread, I still believe that we're being manipulated to a great extent with unnecessary fear and most data I see here and on other sites isn't that bad.

How do you think we are being manipulated? The facts themselves are very scary. A death rate of 2% or so is awfully high for viral disease. Sure, every media outlet has some spin but in 1 month the US has gone from a handful of infections to close to 200k and that’s with some extreme measures of shutdown and social distancing. If this was left unchecked it could easily kill a couple million Americans. Do you not think that fear is warranted?

I agree that there is no manipulation. New York and LA are war zones and Detroit, Chicago and all of Florida are right behind. If anything there are likely more cases that go undiagnosed as not everyone is tested.

The fear IMHO is genuinely warranted
A lot of hot spot areas aren't adding the cases that didn't need medical attention, because they haven't been tested. No one in my family that had it has been tested.

You should fear not being able to get medical treatment if you need it, not so much if it would kill you.
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I agree that there is no manipulation. New York and LA are war zones and Detroit, Chicago and all of Florida are right behind. If anything there are likely more cases that go undiagnosed as not everyone is tested.

The fear IMHO is genuinely warranted

Steve, I agree. The areas which delayed in recommending or enforcing social distancing and “stay at home” orders are now following in NY’s path. If the healthcare systems become completely overwhelmed the death rate will increase and an even higher rate.
Someone earlier alluded to availability of hair cuts. I have been locked in now for over 3 weeks and my hair is starting to look like a wig. I have already canceled 2 hair appointments. I now my barber well and he is cautious so today he is coming to my house and will cut my hair in my garage. His instruments have been sterilized and both of us will wear mask, gloves and gown and say a little prayer first
How do you think we are being manipulated? The facts themselves are very scary. A death rate of 2% or so is awfully high for viral disease. Sure, every media outlet has some spin but in 1 month the US has gone from a handful of infections to close to 200k and that’s with some extreme measures of shutdown and social distancing. If this was left unchecked it could easily kill a couple million Americans. Do you not think that fear is warranted?

I guess it's how we look at the data, 2.1 billion media mentions is a lot as is 200,000 case, but if over 80% are mild then it's not as scary nor do we all live in a hot spot like NYC.

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I guess it's how we look at the data, 2.1 billion media mentions is a lot as is 200,000 case, but if over 80% are mild then it's not as scary nor do we all live in a hot spot like NYC.


I think that 20% needing medical attention is significant. We can’t forget about the “flattening the curve” concept. If the infections are spread out over a long period of time that 20% can be treated although some will die. However, if not, many of those will die unnecessarily. It is that aspect which warrants the concern.
Steve, I agree. The areas which delayed in recommending or enforcing social distancing and “stay at home” orders are now following in NY’s path. If the healthcare systems become completely overwhelmed the death rate will increase and an even higher rate.
when yesterday we heard that the "best case scenario"based on modeling is between 100,000-200,000 deaths, that was a sobering and chilling statistic. Everyone needs to be smart about this and put down all of the paranoia.

I'm betting the lockdown will extend through the end of May

Anyone else besides myself starting to feel the pressure of confinement compounded by the fear of watching the daily tally. I am truly starting to feel the effects of solitude and confinement
This is not made up folks.
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20% needing medical attention is like 19.5% too much all at once.

I think its way higher than 80% however, that don't have medical attention seeking symptoms. A lot of people just get a little diarrhea for up to around a week or so, and not real bad usually around 4 times a day movements (not necessarily all pure liquid, or at all). Well ok that does suck, but it's no big deal. Others cough for a brief period and only very mildly.
when yesterday we heard that the "best case scenario"based on modeling is between 100,000-200,000 deaths, that was a sobering and chilling statistic. Everyone needs to be smart about this and put down all of the paranoia.

I'm betting the lockdown will extend through the end of May

Anyone else besides myself starting to feel the pressure of confinement compounded by the fear of watching the daily tally. I am truly starting to feel the effects of solitude and confinement
This is not made up folks.

When I read the 100-200k projected death rate I felt it was time to put together my own model. As an actuary I have built and validated models my entire career. That part was easy. Setting assumptions is difficult and by no means do I think was I did is supportable but I did find that in my model the 100-200k estimation was more of a tail event than a mean estimation. I am trying to see what assumptions are being used to better refine what I did.
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20% needing medical attention is like 19.5% too much all at once.

I think its way higher than 80% however, that don't have medical attention seeking symptoms. A lot of people just get a little diarrhea for up to around a week or so, and not real bad usually around 4 times a day movements (not necessarily all pure liquid, or at all). Well ok that does suck, but it's no big deal. Others cough for a brief period and only very mildly.

That is true but remember that the 20% is of known cases. So, you can increase the number of cases for those that are not known or extremely mild and thus reduce the 20% but the absolute number of people needing medical attention would still be the same and the current number is overwhelming the system.
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