I could trade in my Kondo Ongaku for the Itron and my WVL Berlin for the G3 speakers, but that will mean I am abandoning tube amplification on my fully maxed Ongaku, I don’t know what I am going to do with my tubes collection….There is no way I can comfortably afford the G3 without me making some concession with my current system and I don’t like putting too much effort on money for audio, been there and wasn’t pretty.What a fantastic option to be considering! Let me weigh in (not on intimate knowledge of the AG Trio + Basshorn though I have heard the latest flagship), but more based on my own experience/views on going for a system.
From your own description, you love the sound, and you cannot afford the bass horn 'right now'. This means to me if you could do it now, there is a good chance you would...and it also appears it is well within the realm of the possible that you will be able to.
You can probably tell from my own read here that I am going to suggest you commit to building towards this dream system. Go for the iTron and get the basshorns as soon as you are ready. I am betting you wont regret it in the medium or even long term. From my own personal experience, being patient and building a system even sometimes piecemeal has been well worth it in the end. One of my more extreme examples was using a $50 Daewood DVD players for years until getting the Zanden digital because I knew what I wanted, and I did not wish to spend lots of interim money on incremental steps. But 15 years later, and I have never regretted it.
One man's view. Enjoy.
My current system is already fantastic as it is but this G3 is just another league altogether even when compared to my WVL Berlin… When I bought my WVL Berlin I knew already at the corner of my mind that I might want more down the road, but when I auditioned the G3+basshorns I got a feeling that this might actually be my endgame…
I am strongly considering buying the G3 first without basshorns right now…. In fact, I am going to the dealer in about an hour time, he is setting up the G3 combined with the rest of my gears (Taiko, Pilium DAC, Kondo G70 pre) in his showroom for me to hear.
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