Videos: Cessaro Zeta, Dava, turntables, Alieno, Thrax phono

I think Cessaro have a «plastic» signature on both vids. Might be the room though
So, you think it was better when Cessaro used to use wood horns? They switched some years ago to a synthetic horn material (like a synthetic stone type material I think). Did you have that feeling when you used the horns, which are made by out of fiberglass/epoxy? I have some horns (iwata 600) that don't seem to have any coloration at all. I also have some nice wood Tractrix horns, which are slightly warmish sounding compared to a plastic or metal horn. The is probably them most neutral of the horns I have.
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One point. All videos from this Cessaro are starting with 14 pro, as my 11 developed some issues
then violin and insight to recordings sounds different in each Cessaro video.

The Kondo and the Euronor have tone better than anything, the insight to different recordings (not reflected in one video) is blocked due to baffle staging.

Plus, in this case it is a mono cart playing mono, and the klangfilm excel at mono because their baffle stage disadvantage is not an issue

Yeah, I just commented on the two video comparison in one post. For that song I preferred the wood horn. Much more natural sounding.
Ahh.. now i got it. It's the "plastic".

Please Kedar stop bothering people with more vids of the system.

When somebody wants to listen to the system in person, be welcome!
(I will never say it is natural sounding. But not unpleasant.)
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The thread title is about a system, but when you throw in other videos with the same music, you invite comparisons and I presume comments.

Since there’s not much system information, I simply said the wood horn to distinguish that particular video. The video sound, of course, is the result of the entire system in the room and not necessarily the material of the horn. It could be the cartridge or any other element.

Yes, it’s a lot of videos. I presume Bonzo wants the readers to listen to them all.
The thread title is about a system, but when you throw in other videos with the same music, you invite comparisons and I presume comments.

Yes, it’s a lot of videos. I presume Bonzo wants the readers to listen to them all.
Yes that is correct I would like to listen to them all and they are all systems that I like.

It would be interesting to know that people are making their own recordings at home and trying to compare. If they sound better than I am sure people will post them

I understand that in the competitive forum world, where only no.1 exists, and there is no space for runners up, some people will prefer videos from Cessaro, some pnoe, some Altec, some Kondo with Euronor. All are sounding considerably better than most stuff where it is difficult to stay in a room beyond 30 mins.

Bill has also got inspired by these videos and mounted his TAD 2001 in a DIY.

I think I personally don’t like when people think horns are not good and it takes 500k five way multi way modern system to make a great horn, so I posted vintage, single driver and three way, all horns. If people think there are alternatives please post them.
Since there’s not much system information, I simply said the wood horn to distinguish that particular video. The video sound, of course, is the result of the entire system in the room and not necessarily the material of the horn. It could be the cartridge or any other element.
I posted a lot of videos of the system sounding great Peter. When Ron says he preferred one, that reply was natural. However I wish you would enjoy the videos and the music rather than trying to drive home the point that Tang’s decision to give up Cessaro and move to Eurodyn was the right one. He is not listening to them.
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I posted a lot of videos of the system sounding great Peter. When Ron says he preferred one, that reply was natural. However I wish you would enjoy the videos and the music rather than trying to drive home the point that Tang’s decision to give up Cessaro and move to Eurodyn was the right one. He is not listening to them. Maybe he should have moved to Kondo from Lamm, Schroeder or ikeda from 3012r, and carts that don’t break.

Very strange response. This has nothing to do with Tang and I never gave that a thought. Your presumption is preposterous. I simply read through this thread and stopped on one post with a direct comparison because I was intrigued by the violin trill title. I listened and commented. Simple as that. I am not alone in preferring the vintage horn in that one comparison.

I have heard Audioquattr’s system sound excellent in older other videos perhaps with different components and Ron is a huge fan. When I get some time in the next few days, I will listen to more videos on this thread. Thank you for posting them.
  • Haha
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Very strange response. This has nothing to do with Tang and I never gave that a thought. Your presumption is preposterous. I simply read through this thread and stopped on one post with a direct comparison because I was intrigued by the violin trill title. I listened and commented. Simple as that. I am not alone in preferring the vintage horn in that one comparison.

Cmon Peter, for a video guy quiet throughout the thread and jumping on one post. Please get back to enjoying music and videos we are all aware of tang’s error.

The trill title is because that sonata by Tartini is called Devil’s trill. It is a famous violin virtuoso piece. Tartini dreamt of a devil playing the violin and named and composed that.
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Cmon Peter, for a video guy quiet throughout the thread and jumping on one post. Please get back to enjoying music and videos we are all aware of tang’s error.

The trill title is because that sonata by Tartini is called Devil’s trill. It is a famous violin virtuoso piece. Tartini dreamt of a devil playing the violin and named and composed that.

Yes, I like videos and it was the Devil's Trill that caught my attention, so skimming through the thread, I stopped on that comparison. Surely, one can watch a video comparison and comment. Again, you keep bringing up people who are not here to comment and set the record straight. That is not right.

I will watch and comment on other videos. I did sit through all of the Chaconne thread you started and have thoughts on all the videos but since you inserted one of mine without comment, I thought I should not participate much over there.
i will watch and comment on other videos. I did sit through all of the Chaconne thread you started and have thoughts on all the videos but since you inserted one of mine without comment, I thought I should not participate much over there.
It’s fair to not like your own. It is like liking your own post
The Altec system gets pretty muddy sounding when the piano and orchestra are really going at it. The sounds blend together.

The Cessaro keeps it all separated better but is a bit thin in the body of the instruments...especially the massed strings. Piano is clearer than Altec with orchestra playing hard but it also lacks weight.

Brad, I've been listening to the comparison videos in this thread. I agree with your assessement here and would add this: The Altec system (perhaps not the speakers) homogenizes the sound, the Cessaro system sounded cleaner but lacked presence.
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I prefer the wooden speakers where the violin sounds more like a wooden instrument, less synthetic, more natural tone.

And considering materials other than wood , given that the crossover frequency of Vitavox CN-191 ‘s being set at 550 Hz handing over to a CN 157 Aluminium alloy horn , being the reason imho , for a slight metallic sheen on Violin , in the higher octaves , a brightness to some leading edges of notes , particularly with higher energy passages of play.

Together with a tendency for notes to not fully flesh out , and then not decay in a convincing manor as per the instrument itself.

This tendency could be alleviated somewhat by the application of dampening material to the outside rear of the CN 157 horn , however a delicate balance , as too much dampening and the horn lost some of its clarity and vitality.

A Marcus Klugg or something similar in timber … would prove somewhat more convincing to the resonant body and string decay of an original instrument .

These considerations are with reference to Violin.
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This is a system video thread about one specific system with a few odd comparison videos thrown in for discussion.

It’s a bit strange that people would bring up a former member and a pair of vintage speakers that no one here owns into the discussion, neither of which has anything to do with Audioquattr’s system. Weird.
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