Videos - oomph, tympani, menace, power

Yep! People comparing digital videos of different recordings recorded on unfamiliar systems in unfamiliar rooms and thinking they have an understanding of the in-the-room sound of the systems is ludicrous to me.

I tend toward your consideration in this regard Ron , However for the moment the thread appears to have morphed into a game of ‘Which pale imitation of a recording of a live event replayed on a home audio system then mangled via a YouTube upload do you prefer’
You can still have an opinion on the sound, no?
Hard to judge anything unless you know the exact recording each used. Go listen to the different recordings yourself…a couple have very deep and heavy bass without much definition like Tim’s and some sound taugh and lighter where the tympanies can be more clearly heard. Some sound distant and recessed, some brash a bit harsh and in your face…etc.
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Of course , However as to how much weight that opinion carries ?
If we find ourselves agreeing with particular members more often than not, I guess we can trust their opinion more than those we disagree with on a regular basis.
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I encourage including the catalog number for each video reported although the reference target for me is not a YouTube video.
Good please share the version of Fanfare you used (please again if you did already so I don’t have to dig for it). THX!
Yep! People comparing digital videos of different recordings recorded on unfamiliar systems in unfamiliar rooms and thinking they have an understanding of the in-the-room sound of the systems is ludicrous to me.

are you not really criticizing Stehno for posting the four videos and asking the members of your forum to comment?

I think somewhere some time ago, Stehno told us that his system videos represent the sound he hears in his room, as long as you crank up the volume.

How ludicrous can it really be? You post videos of your system evolution playing Fields of Gold for anyone who cares to watch them. You also post many videos of show systems.
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Hard to judge anything unless you know the exact recording each used. Go listen to the different recordings yourself…a couple have very deep and heavy bass without much definition like Tim’s and some sound taugh and lighter where the tympanies can be more clearly heard. Some sound distant and recessed, some brash a bit harsh and in your face…etc.
Yes I agree we can't determine whether the harsh sound of the trumpets/trombone at 2.02 in Stenhos vid, for example, is due to the version he's playing or the system.

Doesn't stop us making a judgement as to what sounds best to us though.
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If we find ourselves agreeing with particular members more often than not, I guess we can trust their opinion more than those we disagree with on a regular basis.

To an extent … however I would still maintain that Remote Voyeuring of hifi via compressed YouTube soft porn to be somewhat more falible than not .
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Yes I agree we can't determine whether the harsh sound of the trumpets/trombone at 2.02 in Stenhos vid, for example, are due to the version he's playing or the system.

Doesn't stop us making a judgement as to what sounds best to us though.

Presumably, Stehno posts his videos for comparison because he thinks they represent the sound he hears in his room and he wants to share that with us to support his point of view.
Good please share the version of Fanfare you used (please again if you did already so I don’t have to dig for it). THX!

Fwiw, I also include identifying info in youtube with the video.
Telarc DG-10078 LP

Copland Telarc.jpg

Telarc DG-10078
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Fwiw, I also include identifying info in youtube with the video.
Telarc DG-10078 LP
Thx! These three on streaming has the heaviest bass drum and weight in the low end
17540DE3-1606-4589-AB42-360F0BDCA3D5.jpeg4BE04F94-BF6F-4813-BCD1-21E809AD0FE2.jpeg0D276327-854A-49E1-A6BC-ACB4B19C3CE5.jpegOther recordings were lighter in lower regions…some for the better , some for the worse (some sounded kind of harsh).
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It would be nice to know the details on the recordings whenever anyone posts.

In my post of the video I included the orchestration for Copland's composition along with the LP's catalog number. My system is available through the signature link. A further analysis of the piece is included at the review link where I used its music in evaluation.

Imo the orchestration of the music is very important for evaluating a recording because it tells you what instruments are used for the performance. Knowing the instruments tells you what sounds you should be hearing, assuming you know what the instruments sound like in an acoustic space -- not just from another video. In the Copland piece the orchestration is relatively simple compared to a symphony.

For a further enlightened evaluation, look at the score where you can find the frequency and timing information along with markings for dynamics. Does what you're hearing in music or a music video correlate with the instructions for performing it? Granted - many people cannot read a score, but it remains a valuable tool for evaluating a system's playing of a particular piece of music. For example if a note is accented in the score and you hear that note as soft then either the conductor is not following the score, or the system is not representing that sound assuming it was recorded.

Copland Fanfare Score.jpg

I'll do a relatively detailed dive into the music that I write about when describing a component or system in a review, but I rarely evaluate other's videos here on-line, beyond simply liking them.
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Thx! These three on streaming has the heaviest bass drum and weight in the low end
View attachment 132620View attachment 132621View attachment 132622Other recordings were lighter in lower regions…some for the better , some for the worse (some sounded kind of harsh).

I also have the second entry (Oue/Minnesota) and will take a listen to that one. With the timpani, bass drum and tam-tam at double-forte and forte, it is a challenging piece of music.

edit: does any one of these offer the timpani as holding their own against the bass drum, such that you can hear the two notes of the timpani with some clarity?
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Presumably, Stehno posts his videos for comparison because he thinks they represent the sound he hears in his room and he wants to share that with us to support his point of view.

Well, there is that but he wrote a somewhat lengthy comparison that goes beyond. Imo simply posting his video and letting others assess would have been sufficient.
I also have the second entry (Oue/Minnesota) and will take a listen to that one. With the timpani, bass drum and tam-tam at double-forte and forte, it is a challenging piece of music.

edit: does any one of these offer the timpani as holding their own against the bass drum, such that you can hear the two notes of the timpani with some clarity?
Not really…you kind of hear they are there but not really in their own space. I can tell you later ones I found that had much clearer timpani but at the expense of some weight and power. Some of those did a good job of not sounding overtly thin though…some just sounded thin…
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Yes I agree we can't determine whether the harsh sound of the trumpets/trombone at 2.02 in Stenhos vid, for example, is due to the version he's playing or the system.

Doesn't stop us making a judgement as to what sounds best to us though.
Sure but it doesn’t tell anything meaningful about what the systems are doing right or wrong
It would be nice to know the details on the recordings whenever anyone posts.

Fwiw, the Tim video sounds more natural and musically engaging to me. Yes, the bass could use more definition but I don't hear it detracting from the musical message. Maybe it's the room that's causing some bass bloat or maybe it's in the recording. But I don't hear any objectionable resonances or room colorations.

The Stehno video has nice taught bass, but the Cymbal crashes and the horns sometimes sound harsh. Harshness in a recording always breaks the spell for me.

I have to agree with your assessment – at least in part.

The video I shared in my prior post (no. 1) is the same digital interpretation but digital version of what Tim played. Tim’s was from Telarc and mine from Reference Recordings but same live performance.

The bass was the point of that post otherwise I would not have posted that less-than-desireable engineered recording. I like to think or hope the brunt of harshness is from the recording perhaps from an inferior analog-to-digital conversion? And I suspect the less-than-stellar engineering negatively influenced Tim's video also to some extent.

I have at least 3 or 4 interpretations of this same piece and I wasn’t sure which one matched Tim’s video so that night I recorded the 3 I quickly found.

Anyway, videos no. 2 and 3 seem easily more musical and better engineered than the first video. IMO, no. 3 is the best engineered.
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I have to agree with your assessment – at least in part.

The video I shared in my prior post (no. 1) is the same digital interpretation but digital version of what Tim played. Tim’s was from Telarc and mine from Reference Recordings but same live performance.

The bass was the point of that post otherwise I would not have posted that less-than-desireable engineered recording. I like to think or hope the brunt of harshness is from the recording perhaps from an inferior analog-to-digital conversion? And I suspect the less-than-stellar engineering negatively influenced Tim's video also to some extent.

I have at least 3 or 4 interpretations of this same piece and I wasn’t sure which one matched Tim’s video so that night I recorded the 3 I quickly found.

Anyway, videos no. 2 and 3 seem easily more musical and better engineered than the first video. IMO, no. 3 is the best engineered.
The label says Telarc Digital so this is a digital recording and all versions would be from the same analog to digital process. Question is, was the original recording harsh and needed to be tweaked to sound good, probably.

Edit, although it was recorded in 1982 so I might be completely wrong, lol
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Presumably, Stehno posts his videos for comparison because he thinks they represent the sound he hears in his room and he wants to share that with us to support his point of view.
Actually, Peter, i think my videos are reasonably representative of the in-room presentation. Reasonably being the keyword here. After all, I'm using a tiny $150 stereo mic that plugs directly into my iPhone and I'm sure I'm bumping up against some of its limitations at times. Not to mention my own recording engineering limitations.

More importantly, for me anyway, it's just not possible for me to capture much more than a remnant of the overall gestalt of the in-room presentation. Would be nice if I could. But most everything else I'd say is reasonably represented.

And you are correct in that I often use my videos to substantiate points I try to make because I'm convinced words by themselves in an audio-only industry are rather meaningless.
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