I agree Peter’s sounds a lot better, but in both, the vocals sound grievously peaky. Is this what you’re hearing in person or is the iPhone just not handling the vocal? I’ve heard a lot of versions of Wintereise and some recordings do have this peaky quality — I prefer the ones that don’t! I think in general it must be really hard to record male classical singers. Their voices are so powerful they seem to overwhelm the microphones unless they are recorded with a lot of skill.
I also hear a lot of — Room— which even if the overall sound is very musical, I find gets in the way of hearing into the recording.
Just from hearing the videos posted here, and given all the limitations of listening to iPhone videos, I hear the Vitavox set up interacting a lot more with the room than the prior Magico set up.
I also hear a lot less of the room reverberation in Stehno’s videos which I think overall is a good thing.