Right, just listen to it. It should or should not stand on its own. If you want to find out why it does not sound good, then start analyzing the parts and pick it apart, if you can.
FFS … Have Y’all Missed The Blindingly Obvious Here ? Someone may just post up a YouTube Video of a System *That They Might Not find Particularly Efficacious* And by that very nature might merely be offering up said Youtube for consideration and discussion , The mere fact that they have posted It does not indicate their particular endorsement one way or the other !
Wilson tries to dazzle inexperienced listeners with tricks during the dealer demonstration such as the mid bass hump to give slam and dynamics that quickly become fatigue inducing at home. Interesting their smaller speakers like WP and Sasha try to do that too but produce a smaller sound with an inaccurate bass slam. None of this sounds like real music. It’s a fireworks show. I think the designers at Wilson need hearing aids. Vocals lack transparency too.
Right, that's why I chose a good recording! I was surprised that Bonzo uses this LP as a reference as he so often opines that reference vinyl is the only way properly judge a system.
Right, that's why I chose a good recording! I was surprised that Bonzo uses this LP as a reference as he so often opines that reference vinyl is the only way properly judge a system.
I guess he chooses what he wants. It's hard to tell from a video how the recording really sounds, but the version you choose is definitely recorded very differently (and if the vinyl version is somehow superior it does not really transpire from his video, IMO).
Whilst I fully realise that I am stretching the original intent and purpose of this thread , and my apologies to the OP, however I just wanted to share this little peace of live audio recorded history .