Visit to Henk van der Hoeven -- Apogee Acoustics Re-builder/Restorer

So if you're not running the FR full range are you using an electronic crossover to cut off the lower frequency or just an inline resistor? The achilles heel of the Apogee was their hunger for power and current, at the time and maybe even probably today there were very few high powered amplifiers capable of delivering the goods that also sounded good, so I need to ask what do you use on your bass panels that a cheap integrated class D amp in an HT subwoofer sounds better than the FR's wonderful bass panels driven full range? Pilinius:)?


I never implied that the DD-18 sounded better than the FR running full range:)
I only implied that if the FR does not have to reproduce very low frequencies, the midbass improves markedly.
And the DD-18 definitely goes lower than the FR.

In all, at the time, I found it was worth it.

Thing is, I was using a DBX4800, which isn't too bad, but certainly not high-end. So I ditched the whole plan in favour of the Grands that I was able to acquire only because I had help of a good friend...

And I never looked back.
Hi Henk, that might be technically, but if you were enjoying the FR in your room, would it have a similar mid and bass enjoyment as a grand without a woofer?

I'd guess not.
The FR is voiced differently from the Grand bass ribbon, and a lot bigger.

They're still family though:)
The other issue I guess is that if you cross over to cone bass at 70 odd Hz, you must increase the maximum SPL capability of the system.

Whilst strengthening the frames really helps clean things up, the larger excursions caused by lower frequencies aren't present. Which means the bass driver will cop out at much higher volumes than it otherwise would.

In large American rooms, that may well be what you need.
I'd guess not.
The FR is voiced differently from the Grand bass ribbon, and a lot bigger.

They're still family though:)

The FR bass ribbon is bigger than the grand bass ribbon?
The FR bass ribbon is bigger than the grand bass ribbon?

The FR is 206 cm tall. All Fr ribbons are about 1.94 cm tall.

The Grand panel is about the same size as a diva, about 180cm tall.
So the Grand ribbons are about 170 cm tall.
Henk - the FR - are you aware of anyone who ever ran it with two bass panels per channel (one "upside down")? Have you heard such a config?

Thinking run the upside down one to 100 Hz or so and give low bass to the other. That'd be interesting.;)

Love the ply Scintillas BTW. Nice work.
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I never implied that the DD-18 sounded better than the FR running full range:)
I only implied that if the FR does not have to reproduce very low frequencies, the midbass improves markedly.
And the DD-18 definitely goes lower than the FR.

In all, at the time, I found it was worth it.

Thing is, I was using a DBX4800, which isn't too bad, but certainly not high-end. So I ditched the whole plan in favour of the Grands that I was able to acquire only because I had help of a good friend...

And I never looked back.

Let me ask DDK and you both your opinions (given my own system)...

...what do you think happens if i swap my Wilson X1s for the Apogee Full Ranges, continue to run them with my Gryphon Colosseum (watt output continues to double all the way through 0.5 ohm resistance) and get a 2nd DD18+ where i either run them in parallel with a full-range Full Range...or use a high quality crossover and crossover the Full Range?

Do you think you prefer that to the Wilsons? My listening tastes are large scale orchestral, intimate jazz, deep house, Hans Zimmer soundtracks, Glenn Gould Bach, and all manner of other kinds of music...deep propulsive bass is a priority, but so too do i love mids and vocals.

I was referred here by Bonzo, and I couldn't let this one slide....

The Staxes and Grands were both refurbished by Marcel Croese, ( who has over six years experience designing amps with Goldmund, and is also responsible for the original Prima-Luna amps.

I can honestly say that neither Grand nor Staxes sound anything like what I had before he touched them.

And yes, the difference is huge, unbelieveable.

We're still working on fine-tuning things:)

Interesting side-note: Marcel won't touch the Pliniusses. He doesn't like them one bit.
I'll just have to save up and buy something worthwile to replace them.

Anybody have a pair of Staxes for sale?????


Hi Henk, Wonderful system-- Kudos!!--- Stax Power amps--well you must be happy with your present versions--indeed search for another similar set

Just to say I'd avoid the DA300 Stax Amp--I had two of them I bought at ridiculous expense to drive stacked Dayton Wright XG8 IIIs

Both the Amp's meters went to Max with **** poor Volume level and just habitually shut down--I tried them on Snell AIII's and the were just as useless

Avoid that model if you can-- no more Tears:(

Good luck

Hello Ron, Henk, Justin and others!

Just a quick qualification of FR vs grand bass ribbons. When you make a ribbon (any kind) it makes sense to consider all aspects of it's end use ahead of time and that is exactly what was done in the case of the FR and Grand. The Grand bass (mid bass) ribbon is not well suited to the lower frequencies actually, and was always designed to be run with the separate subs. Full Range, Diva, Scintilla, Duetta and Caliper were made to be used without subs. The latest Apogee Duetta Advance 7's can be ordered for use with or without subs, and appropriate panels will be made and installed to be optimal for their intended use...

Take care - Graz
Wow Graz, welcome, and thanks for all the apogee work. We understand for the lower frequencies, but how would you compare the FR and Grands bass ribbon till say, 100Hz? Is it similar?
Nothing is perfect, though no apologies for my Apogee bias : ) I like both but if cornered I like a full planar all the way down vs planar/subs, though this does create trade-offs in the obvious power in room effect. I like to play my music loud/realistic when able and try to recreate true reproduction when possible. Of course - when at a live event where we are hearing much reproduced by large cones for the benefit of large crowds this effect is very different from one where you are in front of a real band, comfortably close. Bearing in mind much of the illusion we reproduce (or attempt to) is a studio contrivance - it's amazing just what does survive the process!!

When it comes to Apogees, original vs restored, restored (properly) is a step or so forward, or so I am told :)

Take care - Graz
Welcome, Graz! We are grateful for your participation here!

I second Kedar's question: How would you compare the FR's bass ribbon and the Grand's bass ribbon from 70 Hz to 250 Hz (which I believe is the frequency range of the Grand's bass ribbon)?
Furthermore, Graz, if you have any information you can divulge on the Advance 7, I am sure there would be people interested to hear more... including myself:)
Welcome, Graz! We are grateful for your participation here!

I second Kedar's question: How would you compare the FR's bass ribbon and the Grand's bass ribbon from 70 Hz to 250 Hz (which I believe is the frequency range of the Grand's bass ribbon)?

This is difficult - as the Grand uses a different construction and topology to the FR, is a different area and was always intended as a partial bass unit. Everything is different, excursion, range, current, frame strength - really you would have to compare the entire speaker to speaker. The way a ribbon produces music is similar to a planar bass (some obvious differences), and the way planar bass crosses/reproduces to cone in either open, tuned or closed formats is massively different. People blessed with disciplined and able hearing can hear these differences and tune into or out of them depending on the person - subjective pref/priorities. I have heard people like one over the other many times. Personally - fwiw I have a pref for purity and in a planar system I would forgo the absolute music power for purity, though I can relate to others who would like the extra spl's and can ignore the cohesion issues...

I have a couple of systems I run here, a hybrid cone/ribbon as a reference (few changes since 2001), and a full planar system with Apogee Acoustics DA7's in since 2010. To be honest I thank GOD I have both systems as I learn from and enjoy both!
Furthermore, Graz, if you have any information you can divulge on the Advance 7, I am sure there would be people interested to hear more... including myself:)

Here I am in a fix. I have a person with scant understanding of planar systems who has been studying my work, and attempting to reproduce what he can gleen from web pictures. The Advance 7 speakers are visually similar to the classic Apogee's from the 1980-90's from the front with an obvious tweeter difference. I was careful with the release pictures of DA7's last year, keeping resolution down so low (even saved/zoomed) as to not reveal critical design aspects. The mimic changed his tweeter construction to resemble the look of the tweeter in so much as he could copy from the picture! To see this was cringeworthy - but justified my paranoia. From the back DA7 is a completely different animal to all previous Apogee planars, but I cannot post pictures until they are reviewed.

What I can say is they are available, to order, in any standard gloss, satin or metalic car colour, in regular efficiency, special order for high efficiency. They are the strongest (structural materials) and most accurate planar made to date, and can be configured to suit a system with subs (like the Grand) or full planar passive, or full planar active, or mixtures there of, like the Apogee Synergy's before them. They are made from an all metal chassis, and they have the most accurate and responsive bass ribbons I can make in them (based on Definitive's XLM bass), and XLM5.5 MRTW's. The blend between the XLM series bass to MRTW is almost imperceptible, even at 6" distance, head between the units! The ribbons are made by myself and Esme, in house on our two exclusive cnc ribbon manufacturing systems (uprated massively in 2011/12), one for MRTW's, one for bass to accurate tolerances. The magnetic grids of both the bass and MRTW's are cnc aligned to match the ribbon accuracy, the perimeter clamps also. They feature an uprated and accurate tuning arrangement on the bass that has some interesting features to prevent tune resonance transfer. Adhesives throughout are typically of futuristic specifications, magnetic grade spec's and tolerances tighter than normally available, each piece checked prior to assembly. They feature a stand system that looks elegant and exceeds the original stands strength by several hundred percent, to achieve near 100% rigidity on a concrete floor. The passive (outboard, like Synergy/Definitive) crossover has zero vibrational hysteresis, hard-wired and silver soldered for accuracy and purity - the components (except capacitors) are made in house on custom cnc equipment. The Apogee Acoustics Duetta Advance 7's are, to the best of our ability the ultimate expression of Apogee's original mission statement :) And they sound good too...
Great to see Graz, Henk and the Apogee love going on around here at last.
I have arrived at my decision. I am going to be married to Apogees for the rest of my life. Marriage date not being announced anytime soon though

A couple of weeks ago I had revisited Henk, and heard his white duettas. As you can see, he just plopped them down, brought the plinius over and put them on the ground, and started playing a speaker that was not even burnt in. We listened very near field in a big room, speakers a ridiculous 3.5 feet from each other and me at 10 feet, though I moved about. I thought the baritone vocals were gorgeous, and then we played violin, and that was that. I had made up my mind. Till now, I had always thought I had liked the Apogees because of the FR and the Grands, and the smaller ones might not be as good. But this was great. On Bruch violin sonata I heard the same real soundstage I had heard on an old pair of Divas with turntable. I had no previous doubts about the Duetta bass, it was just the mids I wanted to confirm since the good mids I had so far heard only on Henk's restored FRs and Grands. But this duetta convinced me.

Duetta 0.jpg

I like to stress test my choices. Normally, when I like something, hearing it a second and third time highlights to me the weaknesses. But with Apogees I have been liking them more and more.

I then went to listen to the Duettas restored by True Sound Works that Lissnr (Grant) has in New York. Lissnr initially got the Divas, but couldn't fit the Divas into his 18*13 room, so a year later he sold them and brought in the Duettas, and is delighted with them.

He has his speaker 1.4m from the wall (which is more of a practical solution, Henk recommends 2m to get the best of the lower bass. Grant's also has 2m between the speakers, 3m to the headrest of the chair, and 0.27m to the sides. As you can see, a small room, as opposed to Henk's larger one. Grant has built this room himself over the years, and treated it, all DIY. Excellent planning for acoustics and power and relatively a budget set up.

Duetta 1.jpg

Duetta 2.jpg

Duetta 3.jpg

And yes, his source was the Lampizator Big 7 (who would have thunk I had a golden eared twin on the other side of the pond). Grant told me he had Sophia Princess 300b (which I don't like), so I took my KR 242s with me. Putting them into the Lampi immediately energized the room. The grip on each note was more, and extension was way higher. So was the slam and the dynamics.

The Mahler 2 slams gave me a similar flavor to what I had heard on Henk's FR, though on a smaller scale. The extension of the bass was glorious. Grant uses the Tube Research Lab amps and preamp, so it is an all tubed set up.

What the apogees do very well, is that they just layer behind them like a concert stage, with the stage like a rectangle in front of you and the music layered behind...and the sound comes out as one, yet separated. I have not heard any other speaker do that. There is no “bass from the woofer below, violins from above” kind of thing. No disorientation between different types of drivers. Just one sound moving together. I haven't heard a Beethoven 9th I have liked on a hifi system, so I had stopped trying it. But at Grants I streamed a not so high-end recording of Solti's performance with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and wow - the tympani is not coming from some source you can isolate. It is coming from an orchestra performing on the stage. What bass - what dynamics.

I also heard the Analysis Amphitryon with an esoteric X03 and Pathos Logos integrated (valve preamp stage, SS power stage) in a large room, though the room had some echo issues and glass behind that would cause a drop in mid bass. The Analysis speakers like the Apogees remind me of more analog as compared to digital, i.e. real sounding, though they differ in presentation to the Apogees. The Analysis have very good, delicate mids that sound beautiful on vocals and violin. They are great on piano. Baritone is wonderful. But where they fall short of the apogees is the bass is good, not great, Apogees are just mindf***. To illustrate the point, I would say that if I owned the Analysis, I would be sitting laid back in my arm chair feeling music is melodious, while with Apogees I would be standing up vigorously conducting because music was exciting. And Apogees can do melody as well.

So my sonic decision is closed. Apogees all the way. When to buy is a financial decision, which I will follow after my property purchase. I think I will probably start with Duettas, stick with them, do an amps merry go round, then if things work out well in a few years will jump to a bigger room and FR.

And Duettas sound great nearfield too. Just need space behind. Make no mistake, if you end up appreciating the bass and dynamics on a duetta, albeit a small speaker, you might struggle to like the bass on any cone, no matter how big.
Ked, fascinating
What is some of the reticence you have re the UK Graz Duettas restores you have heard as well?
What are Henk's and True Sound's doing that is superior?
In my proposed room I can't house 6'8" high FRs without restricting them to being only 6' max width
The Duettas on the other hand I can comfortably get 8' apart with no restriction on space to front wall or to listening position
Are you saying these Duettas are as good as their bigger siblings in mids and bass esp, just smaller in scale?
And would Nat Transmitters serve them well, 120W per channel in 750 sq ft space?

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