Vote today... Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 37 55.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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-- Hey we're passed half way in having a very good average (accurate) result from what's going to happen next Tuesday. :b

That's right, 100 votes here will pretty much reflect the overall presidential election's percentage (overall number) of votes. ...I think.

* From the scientific table of probability according to a certain number of people submitted to a fair poll.


Since you're into "Science," I thought you'd enjoy this:

After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year outside of Vancouver, B.C. scientists found traces of copper cable dating back 100 years. They came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago.

Not to be outdone by Vancouver, in the weeks that followed, an Ontario archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet somewhere just outside Toronto. Shortly after, a story in the Toronto Sun read: "Toronto archaeologists report a finding of 200 year old copper cable, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred years earlier than Vancouver."

One week later, a local newspaper in New Brunswick reported the following: "After digging down about 30 feet deep in his pasture outside the community of Moncton, Mike, a self-taught archaeologist and audiophile, reported that he found absolutely nothing.

Mike has therefore concluded that 300 years ago, New Brunswick had already gone "wireless".
What if girls 1 was trick or treating for 4 hours in the blistering cold in the hood in Chicago and collected 10 pieces, and girl 2 was driven around in a subdivision in Greewich Connecticut for 1 hour in her mom's Cadillac Escalade and collected 100 pieces?

What if Girl one had a daddy ..... :)
He's pro business...Obama is not despite his bs act. As a major stockholder of a biz that employs over 2500 people I can tell you as a director our biz and many others will just sit on the sidelines with our money until the economic tumor leaves the white house. 4 more years of a meager economy with no good jobs. I feel bad for the kool-aid drinkers. I think that is about all I will say regarding the matter.

X 10 kazillion ... !!!

Since you're into "Science," I thought you'd enjoy this:

After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year outside of Vancouver, B.C. scientists found traces of copper cable dating back 100 years. They came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago.

Not to be outdone by Vancouver, in the weeks that followed, an Ontario archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet somewhere just outside Toronto. Shortly after, a story in the Toronto Sun read: "Toronto archaeologists report a finding of 200 year old copper cable, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred years earlier than Vancouver."

One week later, a local newspaper in New Brunswick reported the following: "After digging down about 30 feet deep in his pasture outside the community of Moncton, Mike, a self-taught archaeologist and audiophile, reported that he found absolutely nothing.

Mike has therefore concluded that 300 years ago, New Brunswick had already gone "wireless".
Wow, that was funny! :)
Interesting point of view ... After the catastrophe of 2008 ... Anyone who thinks the economy was going to get back straight to pre (artifical)-2008 levels in 4 years must have been drinking a very alcoholic version of Kool-aid or taking a more potent mind-altering substance ... Out of this discussion .. I have voted already ;)

Agree and guess who's drinking ...:)
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Nothwithstanding the subject and the economy (world and US) I think everyone is very well behaved in this thread. That's why WBF is the best forum on the Internet (at least for us audio and music geeks). We can all get a little testy from time to time but at the end of the day we are buds. Thanks Steve and team for creating the WBF.
Nothwithstanding the subject and the economy (world and US) I think everyone is very well behaved in this thread. That's why WBF is the best forum on the Internet (at least for us audio and music geeks). We can all get a little testy from time to time but at the end of the day we are buds. Thanks Steve and team for creating the WBF.

+1. :)
Yep ,

except when discussing real politics , like digital vs analog , Tubes vs SS, FMA vs Dartzeel, Wilson vs ......

Republicon vs Demorat topics pale by comparision ....:)
It looks like even "The Audiophile's Wife" chimed in on this topic. Cut and pasted from that website...

Hail to the Chief

The Audiophile and I saddled up the SUV last weekend for a trip through two Midwestern states that are primarily known for their trance-inducing stretches of the Eisenhower Interstate System. One might think there would be little chance of locating a high fidelity stereo establishment in the middle of the Mormon trail, and yet someone, probably Mitt Romney, put one in Omaha, Nebraska.

And speaking of the upcoming U.S. election, I would like to remind the discriminating audiophile that a vote for the incumbent is a vote for the governmental redistribution of the finest audio gear in the nation in order to provide every American family with a Bose Wave radio.

On the other hand, a vote for Mr. Romney is a vote to keep your superior-sounding system that falls in the top 1% of all systems in the country and to have an economic shot at the thirty-thousand-dollar-American-dream speakers we demoed at The Sound Environment in Omaha.

And that, my friends, is audio winning.

Wait what , goverment .....:)

Our government has no money nor a printing press, it has to borrow and pay interest , creating perpetual debt ..

The FED can create unlimited fiat money out of thin air on behalf of the US government ..... It can monetize the debt, which is exactly what quantitative easing does.
What if Girl one had a daddy ..... :)

On a technical note - every girl has a daddy (dead of alive). If it so happens our "girl in the low candy yielding hood's" father is not around that does not change anything, unless one subscribes to the idea that children that do not have enough candy to live on because of the choices made by their parents should be exempt from receiving candy redistributed from more fortunate children, as a matter of principle.
The FED can create unlimited fiat money out of thin air on behalf of the US government ..... It can monetize the debt, which is exactly what quantitative easing does.

It can only do so because of our petro dollar economy, if oil were no longer priced in USD , you can kiss the above quantative easing good buy, woe to those who try to interfere , ask Gadaffi ...

Regards ,
On a technical note - every girl has a daddy (dead of alive). If it so happens our "girl in the low candy yielding hood's" father is not around that does not change anything, unless one subscribes to the idea that children that do not have enough candy to live on because of the choices made by their parents should be exempt from receiving candy redistributed from more fortunate children, as a matter of principle.

Err, not really , every girl has a father , not a daddy. Statistically Those without usually end up with a Mac Daddy..

funny you don't see an issue or difference between kids born into a stable 2 parent family environment and those without .

What can i say, I'm not for income redistribution , I'm for creating opportunities , I'm also very much aware of Politicians who promise everything and deliver nothing..they are most dangerous..

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Err, not really , every girl has a father , not a daddy. Statistically Those without usually end up with a Mac Daddy..

Good point. You are right.

funny you don't see an issue or difference between kids born into a stable 2 parent family environment and those without .

Never said that. Obviously there is a huge difference. I said whether or not a girl has a daddy is not her fault / responsibility, and should have no bearing on what type / level of publicly funded support (i.e. candy transfer) she gets.
It can only do so because of our petro dollar economy, if oil were no longer priced in USD , you can kiss the above quantative easing good buy, woe to those who try to interfere , ask Gadaffi ...

Regards ,

It can always do so - this is a simple techically. It can currently do so at low cost because other nations are willing to accumulate huge $ reserves. If that changes the cost willl go up dramatically, and doing so woudl lead to hyperinflation. However, technically, the government can always resort to monetary financing of its own debt (with the exemption of countries in the Euro zone, who do not control their own central bank)
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