What are members recommendations on current turntables in the $15K to $22K price range?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
Alpharetta, Georgia
Just getting ideas at this point. Will be pairing with Ref Phono 3SE and Lyra Etna Lambda cartridge.

Thanks in advance...
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New turntables, I would look at Basis, Brinkman, Kuzma and the Spiral Groove Revolution. Not sure if you can get CS Port or TechDas at that price.

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Grand Prix Audio Parabolica and Vertere SG1 may also be worth considering. Happy shopping!
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Think you have to decide if you want belt or DD before recommendations make sense
Belt drive can be pretty nice. But Technics solved all the control theory problems with servo control decades ago; after all they had a pretty big R&D budget being owned by Panasonic, and control theory isn't mysterious anywhere but in audio ;) Its no longer an issue. Take it from someone who has been making belt drive turntables for over 20 years now.
Galibier Gavia with a Triplanar or Kuzma arm can probably fit within your budget.
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The AMG Viella is squarely in your price range, and has been mentioned as a great value in several reviews. You can upgrade the tonearm to the 12JT (“turbo”) version. I have been using one now for a half-dozen years — for a long while with a Benz LPS cartridge. I upgraded my cartridge to an Etsuro Gold and the table doesn’t under-represent even with a cartridge as expensive as the table. Easy to setup, low fuss table that gives a sizable dose of what a good table can deliver.
read your own magazines. they have plenty to say on the subject. :cool:

i imagine something might be worked out. :rolleyes:

just kidding....could not help myself.

Hi Mike! Hope you are doing well...I just figured I would listen to both reviewers and folks here...I have already spoken to several reviewers. More opinions are better.
Lol .:)

So the CEO of 2 leading Hifi magazines comes to WBF to ask for advice , what about asking your reviewers ( :cool: )

By the way you have a nice system
Thank you.
The AMG Viella is squarely in your price range, and has been mentioned as a great value in several reviews. You can upgrade the tonearm to the 12JT (“turbo”) version. I have been using one now for a half-dozen years — for a long while with a Benz LPS cartridge. I upgraded my cartridge to an Etsuro Gold and the table doesn’t under-represent even with a cartridge as expensive as the table. Easy to setup, low fuss table that gives a sizable dose of what a good table can deliver.
I have been impressed by the Viella in the past...
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Hi Mike! Hope you are doing well...I just figured I would listen to both reviewers and folks here...I have already spoken to several reviewers. More opinions are better.
makes sense Lee. here you go.

if i was buying a tt in that price range it would be the CS Port TAT2. i own the CS Port LFT1........and i am amazed by the build quality and the belt (aramid thread) drive, air bearing/ air film and non-servo motor approach. it brings a delicacy and humanity to the presentation that i can't get enough of. very special sounding.

the TAT2 uses the same technology. but with a one piece plinth and less hefty (but still 17kg--35lb) platter. it does not hurt that CS Port gear is audio art of the highest order. it's 'zen' aesthetic appeals to me.

you do need the POU2 Silent Air Supply (sold separately).......which is really quiet. as in put your ear against and can't hear quiet.

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