What's Spinning Tonight?


Starting out today with a new selection I just picked up. Happy holidays WBF.
Alright, the Heaven, Earth and Mankind album mentioned above was, I guess you could say, "unique". Definitely different.....but in a good way. Pretty decent recording with lots of strange, new instruments used throughout. I really dig song 11, the Yips children's choir did a great job even though I have no idea what in the world they were singing. Even though this recording was 20 bit and overall it sounded good, the lower register instruments were a little lacking with their weight and authority compared to the rest of the orchestra.

Brubeck Time


This is my first Brubeck album, also acquired yesterday. Time to hear for myself what everybody is talking about. After this one, I'll be spinning yet another new one to me in order to find out what Mr. Coltrane has to offer.


Let the music play on....
BJ's "The Stranger" by Mo-Fi was a bit of a disappointment in the recording department. :(

I'll be starting this morning off strong with some...

Good morning to you, A.wayne. I listened to it on the RB layer the other day. Please allow me to listen for a bit on the DSD and jot my thoughts down. I do remember the lower register instruments being less than desirable from a recording point of view with nothing else really standing out as a detriment to the recording. When I enjoyed it the other day, I wasn't in the sweet spot for most of it so I really didn't pay that much attention to the sound quality. I just enjoyed the music. The other album just ended and I was wondering what to play next, so I'll go ahead and start the Brubeck album. This time with the SACD layer.

I'll post my observations when the album is done.

Well, ain't this a hoot. I went to go listen to the DSD layer and my SACD player would not play it. So, I transferred all of the wiring to a backup player and found out that the only layer it would read is the RB layer. 2 players, 2 different RCA and HDMI outs and no matter how I configured the system, I could not get the DSD layer to play. So, I've been on the phone with support for both players and we have determined that all settings are good to go, along with wiring configurations/options on both players.

Apparently I have purchased a bad CD/SACD. All 3 players I have will read the RB layer just fine but none of them will read the DSD layer on this DB disc, while after trying 3 other [random] DSD discs, both SACD players play all of the other 3 DSD layers just fine. Grrrr. Well, I should look at the bright side. At least I don't have two players that have become pretty doorstops this morning.

With that said, unfortunately, my observations of the DB album will be offered with just the RB layer.

Mr. A.wayne, I do apologize for not getting back to you sooner. As you know, life does get in the way sometimes and in this case it did. That said, here's an offering of my unprofessional observations/review of the Dave Brubeck album of The Crossing. As mentioned before, this is on the RB layer and not the DSD due to a faulty disc.

I'd like to first point out that this is extremely enjoyable for what it has to offer with regards to its recording [to a degree] but more importantly for it's musical content. What a great album for one to enjoy! As mentioned before, I see why folks have come to love DB. With that said, I'd like to offer you my observations.

Please keep in mind that I am not a professional reviewer and I just jot things down as I observe them. Here goes. The overall dynamics of the album, I feel, would be among the top 15% of albums recorded. The natural roll off of the upper frequency instruments are very well played back and not "tinny", heavily compressed or otherwise something that one would have to "put up with". While they not be the best of the best, it's enjoyable, relaxing and only slightly rolled off on only the upper most of frequencies. There is a good sense of a perceived sound stage.

The bassist and drums as well as any other instrument that plays the lower octave of registers are not well defined at all. There is no texture, no micro-detail or in any sense, resolution. The presence is obviously there but with a complete lack of subtleties or definitive definition within. One further note, it seems as if the lower register instruments are far back. Too far back for the microphones to pick up any semblance of accuracy for the playback. While this may be the age of the recording or the recording techniques, I do not know. I can only offer what I have observed. I will say this, the lower registers sounded fine at the beginning of song 4 but were still not detailed enough for a worthy mention of an attribute to the album but I thought it prudent to mention that not all of the album was exactly the same. Basically, the lower registers were my main gripe. Both in the listening position on different players and off axis......many times the lower register instruments get lost in heavy passages with the rest of the performance [may be a result of the age and recording technology of the time].

Otherwise, throughout the album, many subtle details were easily heard. At all levels including low listening levels, reasonable listening levels and levels that would mimic the actual live performance. I would also like to point out that I now would love to hear the DSD layer, which might make up for some of these differences but honestly, I doubt it would. I could easily hear the breaths a musician took as they moved on with their performance and many other subtitles and though, as I re-read my review, there are many negatives? The musical content alone should be enough to make one want to have this in their collection.

For full disclosure, this is my first DB album. I have nothing to compare it too but I will say this. I will most definitely be getting more and I could kick myself for not enjoying him and his talent before now. I hope this helps.

Thanks Tom ,

I have that album ordered , I have his other stuff , i was introduced to brubeck by my father from an early age, i recall late 60's , most if not all of my albums were his ...

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IN a Jazz mood today went through these:

Count Basie 88 Basie Street on XRCD

Then Jimmy Smith The Sermon!


Right Now Miles Davis in a SIlent Way


Wanted to take out the large front picture .. Not working // Shrug


  • Jimmy Smith - The Sermon!.jpg
    Jimmy Smith - The Sermon!.jpg
    483.2 KB · Views: 64

Right now listening to a blast from the past and by that I mean a B-L-A-S-T

Someone referred to this as a "brass assault"

Entertaining .. Didn't care about the sound quality (decent) so fun and captivating the music is.. A romp, joyous and raucous ...

Maynard Ferguson M.F. Horn 2 ...
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I'm not a big fan of Miles , never really could get into his music and yes i have tried , Hugh Masakela on the other hand is the man , easily one of the best trumpet players in my books and i love the power of his music ...

Regards ,

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