Last night, my listening session went something like this:
Started with Italian prog band, PFM. Their debut release, "Storia di un Minuto" on vinyl. Music does not get too much more beautiful than this.
Italian prog is woefully underappreciated. Much of it is the equal of any British band of the era.
Then, I wanted something a bit more "edgy", so I listened to King Crimson, "Larks Tongue in Aspic" on CD.
I still had the taste for something even edgier, so I went with this avant-prog gem. Thinking Plague, "The History of Madness". Atonal prog at it's best.
And finally, still in the mood for edgy, I went with a Elliott Carter, "Piano Concerto" and "Variations for Orchestra", with the Cincinnati Orchestra, with Ursula Oppens on piano.