This idiot with the gray Mercedes not only kept bumping and pushing the cars in front and behind him to get into the parking spot, he just left the car virtually in the middle of street... the door is open because he's about to get out, having finished this fine parking job; taken earlier today...
Amazing. Reminds me of a bus tour of NY we took 30 years ago. There are cars parked on both sides of a narrow street. The bus drives and can't go any further. So I thought. Next thing I see is cars on both sides lifted up and down as the bus bumper pushes them. We finish the tour, and I look at the bumpers of the bus and it has the color of every car ever made streaked on it!
A number of years ago, I saw a video of some middle aged lady driving a Mercedes, rocking her car into a tight parking space by bumping the car in front and behind hers. She just didn't care.
This past Christmas, there was a video posted on Youtube of NYC sanitation workers towing a frontloader out of a snow pile and wrecking several cars that were parked on the street in the process.
This is one of many reasons why I no longer leave the house.
Great video. Sadly, I was almost a victim of the same thing. It was our first year in Seattle area and not used to snow. I take my BMW rear wheel drive out in 2 inches of snow and it gets stuck on the hill. I park and call AAA. They send a tow truck. He chains me up. As soon as he starts to pull me, I see the big county truck coming up the hill spreading sand. As the tow truck starts to pull me, the idiot sanding truck start to pass me on the left while throwing sand over my car. As if that was not bad enough, either I started to slide into him or him into me. Regardless, I am putting my hand on the horn and holding it and either the tow truck driver of the sanding truck would stop! I came within an inch of the sanding truck until he finally stopped and let me go.
I have not been driving in either of those cities, but can chime in that Boston is the worst I've driven in. Makes the guy in Chicago going at me head on in the wrong lane (my lane) seem like a nice fellow.
Every car in Boston (even new Jag's) seemed to have a softball sized dent in it. I went with the flow back in 1987 and drove like a stunt driver in the original "Italian Job" movie just to fit in.
Boston and NYC get my vote for worst drivers. I lived in Florida and we did get some of the NY drivers and occasional senior citizen who was stopped in the middle of intersection for no apparent reason . But they don't hold a candle to the ruthless drivers in NYC and Boston. The NYC driver is vocal, blowing his horn at you and giving you hand gestures. Boston drivers are aggressive in a silent way. Best example is trying to merge on a ramp. It is a race of who is going to blink first, way past what people usually tolerate. I am told that is due to local law that says if you have an accident and your bumper hits the other guy, it means you lack control and lose the case. So it is a race to see who can be an inch ahead of the other guy.
I think New Jersey drivers are the worst. They drive like there are no traffic laws at all, especially when they're in CT. They seem to think that other cars on the road are an imposition to them. I remember when I was slowly backing out of a convenience store parking space on a secondary road near the lake. Posted speed limit is 30mph. As I was backing out, I hear a horn honking in the formerly-empty space behind me. A middle aged couple came flying in at about 50mph into the parking lot off the secondary road. Apparently I was in their way, having already backed out of my space, thus making their high velocity entry unsafe(r) for them. I looked at their plates and they were New Jersey. It pays to keep handy that number the local police post for reporting aggressive drivers.