I'm trying to pull all of this together in my head- the original topic was whether objective/subjective should be conjoined by an 'or' as opposed to an 'and'; we then started talking about what measurements were tellling of sound quality, and the most recent turn is whether the sound of one component can compensate for another. So here's my question, and i think it takes us back to the original topic without losing the most recent contributions on adding distortions. Doesn't every piece of equipment, no matter how well engineered or designed, have some sonic character? And if that is true, isn't there something to equipment matching that has to go beyond the specifications or measurements? Here, for example, I'm thinking of cable. To one listener, leaving aside strong preferences for a particular coloration, one brand or type of cable will sound better in his system than others. And i think this is due to compensating for other aspects of the system. Call it a filter, perhaps. I know, staying with this example for the moment, the cable I use to connect stuff has been characterized as a little forgiving, sonically (you could read that as not bright or softer sounding i suppose), but it works well in combination with the horns I am using. Now, I suppose you could say the horns aren't accurate, and that's the problem. But i have to believe that every piece of equipment (even those 200k loudspeakers and comparable amps and sources) have sonic attributes that are identifiable. And that's where the ears, and some level of judgment in system/component matching come in.
Is it possible that you could choose a cable or component that would supply the equal but opposite FR coloration of your horns, bringing them into balance? Sure. But what a random turkey shoot. What a difficult, damned near impossible path to follow, mostly by ear, mostly through trial and error. Possible. But maddening. Wouldn't it be much easier to go for a signal chain that's as neutral as you can afford and then attach speakers to the end of it that you like the sound of? Or...heaven forbid...apply a bit of eq?
This is like (automotive analogy coming...) buying a car that pulls to the left, then trying to make it run straight by finding just the right lopsided tire. I suppose if what you want to do is buy/sell/trade lots of different tires looking for the ones (Pirellis on the left Goodyear on the right?) that'll be fun. Personally, I'd get the front end aligned.