You really can't disable actives and run them as passives. Their crossovers are in the signal path before the amplifiers and they are quite different from passive crossovers. So no, I haven't heard tubes in my own system. I haven't even heard conventional solid state in this system. But I have heard contemporary, high-quality tube amplifiers in other people's systems. I came to actives through headphone systems and it has been a long time since I've listened to....transport>cables>preamp>cables>amps>cables>nest of resistance known as the passive crossover network>drivers...on a daily basis. But I do get out, and I have a few audiophile friends. One has a surround system in which his big Martin Logan hybrids have become the rears (the fronts are now Legends). He drives them with McIntosh SS. Another is an odd horn lover with a pair of highly modified vintage Altecs driven by Carey tube amps (lots of vinyl). This stuff is fun. It'll move some air. A third has Bryston amps and big Vienna Acoustics. Beethoven Grands. This is by far my favorite of these three systems. And I have known a few dealers and have heard a lot of other stuff over the years.
At this point I'm fully acclimated to very high-powered, high-quality actives (without the upper midrange lift common to cheap monitors), and to headphone systems -- Hard drive server, all digital media, minimal cabling, minimal duplicaton of components, no transports, no preamps, no passive crossovers and either headphone or nearfield -- ie: minimal (and dampened) reflected sound. I will qualify this next comment with MHO, YMMV, any other inititals I may need, and the admission that I may very well be the victim of my own methodology -- that I, like so many of us, may simply like what I'm used to - expectation bias and all of that. But the bottom line is that even conventional SS state systems with very good amplification sound, somehow, imprecise to me. The best tubes I've ever heard were even more so, though I will give them a tonality that minimizes the ill effects of passive crossovers where some solid state seems to make the most of it. One more time before I finish -- YMMV, MHO, I'm as susceptible to bias as anyone...but I think you guys are arguing over the tone of your distortions instead of minimizing them. I'm not going back.
My God. I sound like Frank.