I also think it is like a girlfriend you need to live with them past the initial Love affair to know if they are a keeper
I am sure we have all had examples where the initial exaltation wears thin after a while ...
I think Ked, that s a bit of a problem with your sampling technique ....long term Love
Yes Ked , you make a point but I still think it’s different when it’s everyday
Having said that, you can also optimise components
I keep finding changes to my system improve things, and have become loath to buy new equipment as tweaking often overcomes some downsides of a component
If it works for you Great !, and we will all enjoy your Audio travel writing and comparos
When you select and filter systems, you end up choosing components/systems which have been optimised in various ways. If I did it at home, I will be limited by my budget, space, and optimisation (which for analog will take 10 years to develop).(...)
Having just spent a month in Europe, for an audiophile it’s so easy to go and listen to stuff, like in USA.
In Australia, it’s harder, you really have to travel to Asia, as I did recently with trips in Vietnam and Singapore, but they are still long trips..
Old TTs each restore will be different.
I don't think people agree on new TTs either.
Yes I should
In zero ?
Highlights were
Silbatone Kronos system
Full TAD R1 system
Disappointment TRIOs with Full Audio note, Avalon Goldmund dcs VIVALDI stack ?
The situation of this old TT is very strange and funny,everyone has different experience.(...)
Remember when you comparing your listening to a whole system of preferences and even if everything else is the same and only tt are compared, the system will still highlight different things from the tt, or cover up some aspects of performance
I understand Ked's addiction and his data collection process which is both smart and entertaining
Not only that awsmone like you mentioned in other posts you gain experience from living with some gear and for me even more true with vinyl. I understand Ked's addiction and his data collection process which is both smart and entertaining but IMO flawed with turntables. My experience with more than 80-85% of the analog setups I've come across is that they can be improved upon and most by quite a bit, there's no way for one to understand this without a certain amount of personal experience and ability of repeatability. We all know the importance of setup when a difference in VTA of less than 1mm can make a difference.
Not only that awsmone like you mentioned in other posts you gain experience from living with some gear and for me even more true with vinyl. I understand Ked's addiction and his data collection process which is both smart and entertaining but IMO flawed with turntables. My experience with more than 80-85% of the analog setups I've come across is that they can be improved upon and most by quite a bit, there's no way for one to understand this without a certain amount of personal experience and ability of repeatability. We all know the importance of setup when a difference in VTA of less than 1mm can make a difference.
By my process, I have shortlisted down to schopper with something like a kodo beat (having heard the sp10 mk2) in the longer term, or a restored Denon, let's see. Allnic (with certain valves only) and thoress phono stages for valves, burmester and FM 122 for SS. The others too expensive, and yes, used market matters. Especially in analog. A couple of others in there but I need to compare.
EMT, zyx, and etsuro urushi on the cartridge list, with EMT most attractive due to price. GFS, Opus, too expensive.
For someone who did not look at TTs at all two years ago, that is a good list. And I have during the journey felt compelled to buy some that I did not like later on hearing (mainly belts) luckily I have not had to be saddled with, then have the burden of trying to resale or forced to an upgrade.
i like the look of the kodo beat
you lost interest in spu a95 ?