What ethernet cables are members using?

Switch Aqvox to Melco N1Z60
I do not like the fact that this company Gobel does not tell what conductors they use. Silver, Copper, Silver over copper, other alloys in combination. They are being very secretive especially at their asking prices.
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I do not like the fact that this company Gobel does not tell what conductors they use. Silver, Copper, Silver over copper, other alloys in combination. They are being very secretive especially at their asking prices.

Yes I can understand it, as a client I also like as much information as possible. However I also understand him, which indicates that he dedicated a lot of time and effort to find the alloy that met his expectations. It seems logical that he does not want to share it.
Has anyone tried the Gobel Ethernet Cable I’ve read comments that it is extremely musical sounding. Someone even replaced their AudioQuest Diamond Ethernet Cable with it. It is very expensive.

Yes, I have compared many ethernet cables, including AQ Diamond, Telegartner MTP Gold mk2, Vertere, Goebel and Dalby Audio Meda.

IMHO the best is not the most expensive of the group : I eventually bought the Vertere ethernet cable and then later on upgraded to Dalbe Media ethernet cable.
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Do you mean you bought RJ/E Diamond? If so, I'm very curious where exactly are you using it and why you think it is fantastic?
Yes, AQ Diamond ethernet cable. It's dynamic, highly resolving , very musical ... a more refined Supra Cat 8. Is it 11x superior than Supra? Probably not! I highly recommend Supra Cat 8 for cheap money.

My GigaFOIL v4 with Keces PS arrived this week. All Supra Cat 8 ethernet cables except AQ Diamond final leg between GigaFOIL and DAC. 16 awg ching cheng power cable on Keces.

Cold out of box, sound is airy, excellent separation but a bit light weight which is expected. Played DAC 24/7 for 2 days and weight return but still not fully broken in yet to my ear. Played another 2 days so now 100+ hours, sound is neutral, resolving, excellent separation and images are more 3D that gives a deeper and wider sound stage perception. I'm happy with the purchase.

I have Sbooster MkII on fios router so will compare with Keces later.
I just put in the Gigafoil V4 with its supplied power supply. It completely transformed my system. Gone is the slight brightness and upper mid range glare that I thought was do to the Wireworld ethernet cables. This has made the most significant change to my digital set up that I ever heard. I am using a PC with a J cat net card femto and Sbooster power supply. This is attached to a local router with an Sbooster which then goes to an Aqvox SE Switch. The switch then goes to the Gigafoil and then to the Bricasti M21 DAC. I even ordered Sablon cables because of the Wireworld brightness and now I don't think I need them. I kid you not this is the best digital sound I ever had. I don't know if putting an Sbooster on the Gigafoil will even make a difference. I'm on cloud 9.
Are you still using the 30 years old Krell FPB amps? IMO slight brightness and upper mid range glare are from the Krell. Back in the days, only way to tame my Krell is with MIT cables that roll off highs. Transparent also works but tooooo dark.
Anyone using decent ethernet cable to connect router to their computer? If so, does it make a difference?
Yes, AQ Diamond ethernet cable. It's dynamic, highly resolving , very musical ... a more refined Supra Cat 8. Is it 11x superior than Supra? Probably not! I highly recommend Supra Cat 8 for cheap money.

My GigaFOIL v4 with Keces PS arrived this week. All Supra Cat 8 ethernet cables except AQ Diamond final leg between GigaFOIL and DAC. 16 awg ching cheng power cable on Keces.

Cold out of box, sound is airy, excellent separation but a bit light weight which is expected. Played DAC 24/7 for 2 days and weight return but still not fully broken in yet to my ear. Played another 2 days so now 100+ hours, sound is neutral, resolving, excellent separation and images are more 3D that gives a deeper and wider sound stage perception. I'm happy with the purchase.

I have Sbooster MkII on fios router so will compare with Keces later.
What exactly are you connecting with AQ Diamond?
Anyone using decent ethernet cable to connect router to their computer? If so, does it make a difference?

My entire network has Wireworld Platinum Starlight Cat 8 Ethernet cables. The Ethernet cable between my GigaFoilv4 Ethernet Filter and my Select DAC overwhelmingly makes the biggest difference. Each of the remaining Ethernet cables in the network (upstream of the Ethernet Filter) make a slight difference. I did a lot of experimenting between the WireWorld Platinum Starlight Cat 8 and the Blue Jeans Cat 6 Ethernet cables. I am planning on trying the Gobel and AudioQuest Diamond Ethernet cables in that key final position to hear the differences.

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My entire network has Wireworld Platinum Starlight Cat 8 Ethernet cables. The Ethernet cable between my GigaFoilv4 Ethernet Filter and my Select DAC overwhelmingly makes the biggest difference. Each of the remaining Ethernet cables in the network make a slight difference. I did a lot of experimenting between the WireWorld Platinum Starlight Cat 8 and the Blue Jeans Cat 6 Ethernet cables.

Ken, I'm only interested in one, very specific stretch: connecting internet-router output to music PC internet-port. Does ethernet cable make a difference here?
Ken, I'm only interested in one, very specific stretch: connecting internet-router output to music PC internet-port. Does ethernet cable make a difference here?

I felt there was a very slight difference when I added that WireWorld cable. I did them one at a time. Not the place to be burning big bucks in my opinion. Better places to allocate funds.

I am interested in the GigaFOIL V4 too. I will be able to listen to it in a few day's time. Shall post my impression on it here.

Keces LPS are made in Taiwan. Very reliable and have excellent c/p ratios but of course performance-wise there are some better choices.

I notice that many of the WBF members on this thread are using Wireworld and Audioquest cables.

Why not trying some brands from Europe?
I personally highly recommend ethernet cables from Sablon Audio, Vertere and Dalby Audio (Meda).
IMHO they are superior, particularly in term of musicality when compared to AQ and Wireworld.

2nd the recommendation from CK.

The Vetere kills the AQ Diamonds in my testing.

Very good value, next step the Dalby Meda after you sort out your network.
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IMO the reason cables from Europe aren't being tried is many of the companies have poorly designed websites, nonexistent availability in NA, crappy distributors, long lead times, etc.

In NA where can I try/buy a Sablon, Daby or Vetere today?
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IMO the reason cables from Europe aren't being tried is many of the companies have poorly designed websites, nonexistent availability in NA, crappy distributors, long lead times, etc.

In NA where can I try/buy a Sablon, Daby or Vetere today?
Here in Europe we don’t know anything about websites designs, we are a band of thieves, we like long lead times, etc....
What a sort of arguments....
IMO the reason cables from Europe aren't being tried is many of the companies have poorly designed websites, nonexistent availability in NA, crappy distributors, long lead times, etc.

In NA where can I try/buy a Sablon, Daby or Vetere today?

Email me and I will send you a demo cable tomorrow!
IMO the reason cables from Europe aren't being tried is many of the companies have poorly designed websites, nonexistent availability in NA, crappy distributors, long lead times, etc.

In NA where can I try/buy a Sablon, Daby or Vetere today?
I’m sorry that you can’t listen it today. Sablon will send it to you tomorrow.
I hope you could wait so long lead time...
Things of no mainstream market....
We’ll wait your report !!!!
The ball is on your roof !!!!
Well done Sablon !!!
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