Good mid-price audiophile switches

Did you try the fibrebox on its own and if so what was the better of the 2
Hey Phil. Didn’t try it no. Figured they’d always perform better in tandem.
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Hey Phil. Didn’t try it no. Figured they’d always perform better in tandem.
Thanks .. only have the switch myself but considering moving it to home theatre and getting fibre box for hifi .. might have to push the buy button and find out
Thanks .. only have the switch myself but considering moving it to home theatre and getting fibre box for hifi .. might have to push the buy button and find out
same here except the button is half way pressed already :cool:
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If you're hesitant just do it, you won't regret it.
If I had to quantify, the Fiberbox is 4x times the effect of the switch.
I think the switch brings naturalness while the box really brings down the noise and ups the dynamics and transparency.
The box really brings a 'hifi' sound, while the switch effect is more subtle.
It's two different effects and great in tandem.
If you're hesitant just do it, you won't regret it.
If I had to quantify, the Fiberbox is 4x times the effect of the switch.
I think the switch brings naturalness while the box really brings down the noise and ups the dynamics and transparency.
The box really brings a 'hifi' sound, while the switch effect is more subtle.
It's two different effects and great in tandem.
Great feedback .. thanks
I'm going to buy the new switch from Taiko Audio, so I'm going to sell my Melco S-100 which has the Pink Faun Clock Ultra OCXO upgrade.
So if anyone is interested send me a PM.
Anyone ever try mixing low cost switches with mid/high end switches?

I tried a combo of 15 low cost ($30-$100) switches and found that adding several cheap switches in front of a mid/high end switch made a huge sound different.

The key though was finding the RIGHT cheap switches, and mixing and matching different brands/models as using the some one several times proved to be too much of a good thing.

Took me about a month to do the experiment!
I just found this video which might be interesting for owners of the Ediscreation switch:

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These are the two switches I am looking at.

LHY SW-8 ($594)

RENOLABS SW-1 ($719)

Both of them are in a beautiful milled aluminium chassis, both have an internal LPS and both have a OCXO clock.
But both seem to repurpose a commercial switch mainboard, in the case of the LHY they are using a Linksys LGS108.
This is no doubt why both products are priced well under 1k despite the casework, LPS, clock e.t.c
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These are the two switches I am looking at.

LHY SW-8 ($594)

RENOLABS SW-1 ($719)

Both of them are in a beautiful milled aluminium chassis, both have an internal LPS and both have a OCXO clock.
But both seem to repurpose a commercial switch mainboard, in the case of the LHY they are using a Linksys LGS108.
This is no doubt why both products are priced well under 1k despite the casework, LPS, clock e.t.c

I have tried a multitude of low and high priced switches. Regardless of which mid or high prices switch you get, you are going to want to run 1-3 low priced switches by the wall and it will make a HUGE sound difference.

After testing 15 cheap switches for over a month, here is one of the short videos I did telling which are the best 3 low priced switches to work with a high priced switch. I an currently running a Paul Pang QUAD switch with the three lower priced ones.

Trust me, it makes a very, very large difference.

If you're hesitant just do it, you won't regret it.
If I had to quantify, the Fiberbox is 4x times the effect of the switch.
I think the switch brings naturalness while the box really brings down the noise and ups the dynamics and transparency.
The box really brings a 'hifi' sound, while the switch effect is more subtle.
It's two different effects and great in tandem.
Many thanks to the encouragement of you and @CKKeung I have this morning ordered a Silent Switch OCXO Extreme, FiberBox II Extreme and Firebird LPS. I will take the current Silent Switch Standard to the system in Brazil. I'm really looking forward to this!
These are the two switches I am looking at.

LHY SW-8 ($594)

RENOLABS SW-1 ($719)

Both of them are in a beautiful milled aluminium chassis, both have an internal LPS and both have a OCXO clock.
But both seem to repurpose a commercial switch mainboard, in the case of the LHY they are using a Linksys LGS108.
This is no doubt why both products are priced well under 1k despite the casework, LPS, clock e.t.c
This Bonn NX looks nice too.


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Many thanks to the encouragement of you and @CKKeung I have this morning ordered a Silent Switch OCXO Extreme, FiberBox II Extreme and Firebird LPS. I will take the current Silent Switch Standard to the system in Brazil. I'm really looking forward to this!
I just purchased the DC versions of the SS Extreme and FiberBox along with the Firebird LPS also. I plan to move the Standard version and FiberBox II to my Router.
Regardless of which mid or high prices switch you get, you are going to want to run 1-3 low priced switches by the wall and it will make a HUGE sound difference.
Emile of Taiko has recently been posting about the new switch they just started selling. A quote from one of his posts:

”Our approach is to not drown out irregular noise by hiding it in a wideband high noise floor but rather to make the offending noise itself inaudible…”

I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anyone put forth an explanation as to how the use of multiple switches can actually be perceived as a net positive. Each one will bring noise with it so it has always struck me as counter intuitive to do this. I do believe the reports though from the many folks who have stacked switches. But absent a better explanation, what Emile has put forth does seem plausible. Here’s his post.
Emile of Taiko has recently been posting about the new switch they just started selling. A quote from one of his posts:

”Our approach is to not drown out irregular noise by hiding it in a wideband high noise floor but rather to make the offending noise itself inaudible…”

I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anyone put forth an explanation as to how the use of multiple switches can actually be perceived as a net positive. Each one will bring noise with it so it has always struck me as counter intuitive to do this. I do believe the reports though from the many folks who have stacked switches. But absent a better explanation, what Emile has put forth does seem plausible. Here’s his post.

As I explain in my test, I don't visit forums sitting back waiting for people to convince me with a theoretical posts. I got tired of forum peeps espousing positions they have never tried themselves (I am not talking about Emile nor you) and bought 15 switches and on my own and experimented to find out if for myself - and if it did what worked.

Now I know for sure rather than living though a life of talking about something I've never tried myself. It is much more enlightening and satisfying.

I don't visit forums to try to convince anyone of anything. It is a waste of time and energy. This is not aimed at you personally - but in general.
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I got tired of forum peeps espousing positions they have never tried themselves (I am not talking about Emile nor you) and bought 15 switches and on my own and experimented to find out if for myself - and if it did what worked.
That’s why I figured you might have some insight on why you found the use of multiple switches to be beneficial.
That’s why I figured you might have some insight on why you found the use of multiple switches to be beneficial.

Hi Kenny - apologies if I misread your post. I thought you were asking for a technical explanation.

My extremely non-technical understanding from talking to my much smarter EE PhD friends has to deal with DECENT switches being able to remove noise.

To that point I tested Cisco, TP-Link, D-Link, and Netgear brands and different models. Some made the sound much worse, and some better.

The worst by far were the Netgears which I was surprised as they do well in the EU. My guess is the power supply in the EU versions is superior.

The best sounding was the D-Links, BUT best sound was achieved with a COMBO of three different ones with two different models. If you used all the same models it was "too much of a good thing".

I suspect where Ethernet audio is SOOOO highly dependent on the wires in my street, up to my house, in my walls, and the EMI in and around all that, there is a high likely hood someone else may have a different outcome.

But for now, regardless of what high end switch I run by the streamer, EVERY single one is bettered with this set up.

Also, plugging the cheap switches into an old unused AQ3 power condition and then also tried on a Shunyata PS10 yielded significant sonic improvement - much more so than improved PS's for them and vibration control (though vibration control did help a bit).
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The best sounding was the D-Links, BUT best sound was achieved with a COMBO of three different ones with two different models. If you used all the same models it was "too much of a good thing".
This is all very fascinating. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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This is all very fascinating. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Happy to help!

I LOVE experimenting with even the most mundane aspects of audio. It keeps me from getting bored.

for instance, when I did the vibration control test on the cheap switches, which was the best way? No rubber pads? Single pads? Double pads? Stacked vs non stacked?

Which actual PORT on the back of the switches was best? By the input? farthest away from the input cable?

I just find it all very interesting and fun.
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